Intro - read here, cowboy!
So you found your way to the photo forum! congrats!
What you're likely to find here (if all goes according to plan):
1- Somebody to answer your travel photography doubts, give advice on equipment, specially on what to take and leave behind, film (or digital), tips and tricks, and an answer to any question you care to throw my way (even if it is an embarrasing "I have no clue whatsoever"). I am a pro photographer working on travel, advertising and industrial photography, and have been a biker for the last ten years.
2- a place to exchange ideas, tips, lab recommendations in faraway places -so useful!-, promote your upcoming slide show (bike related only, please) and anything remotely relevant to your need to grab images from your two wheeled trips!
So, go ahead and post your messages, or your answers to other bikers' ones. But hey, don't stick around all day long, we're here for the ride, no?
See you on the road!