Portable photo printer
I have just bought a canon 330 printer. It has a rechargable battery and is the size of a small sandwich box.
I bought it to solve the problem of what to give as a gift/thank you.
Take photo, plug camera into printer, press few buttons and hey presto, sixty seconds later a good gift, a shiney near on perfect photo.
And, the photo is produced as a postcard, with a place for stamp and address on the reverse.
Just make sure that whatever printer you get it can communicate direct with your camera. The camera needs 'pic bridge' for this particular printer.
Using it in an office in Bristol evokes interest so I expect using it somewhere off the beaten track will be fun.
By the way, I have no idea how robust or reliabe it will be after having been driven around for eighteen months.
Cost of printer £160.00, paper and ink 25p per pic.