Video camera sounds good to me too, but I would still take a still camera, at least a small point and shoot - I really like the Olymupus Mju-1/2 series, especially the straight 35mm no zoom Mju-11. Easy shirtpocket fit, always there, weatherproof, no excuses for no pic. Our Mju-1 survived 5 continents with no trouble.
One thing we noticed in many countries, we were frequently asked at the borders if we had a video camera. We always said no of course so don't know for sure how much hassle a yes would have caused.
Used to be you had to register still cameras, now they are so ubiquitous they are ignored, and I think the focus has switched to video.
Don't forget with video that unless you are experienced, you are going to getr a lot of shit, and will have to edit it out, and carry a lot of tapes, or go digital and carry a laptop. Bulk and weight and expense are the trade-off.
Having said that, we leave in a year or two, again, and will probably carry a pro 35mm camera, same one I have now, with 4 big lenses, a Mju-1 of course, a digital stil camera and/or a digital video, depending on how that shakes out before we leave. And a laptop for editing/storage of images.
If you go video I would highly recommend a course in using it and preparing shows, otherwise it's very easy to end up with the dreaded home movie syndrome - crap nobody wants to watch!
Comments from anyone who has travelled with a video camera in the third world would be welcome here!
Grant Johnson
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