Motorbike Repair Shops, La Paz
After spending a month in La Paz I was able to narrow down the best area to take any type of bike for any type of repair. (I'm on a KLR 650)
Calle Landaeta is full of auto repair shops and 2 motorbike repair shops which both stock and repair big bore bikes from overseas.
The first shop is located in-front of the stadium where the road splits to Calle Kantuta.The second shop is a little higher up the hill.
The reason I went to the effort to find these places is because I had the most terrible experience at a previously recommended repairer in La Paz, Nosiglia Honda. The new manager Javier is a dirty lying .......
He strong armed his mechanics to lie to me. Thing is I speak Spanish and his mechanics had already told me the truth.
I've written more in the following post, just scroll down a bit and you'll see. (
I would never even consider going there, I don't like people who lie to me, I don't like the way he treats his mechanics and going there left me in a worse situation then when I arrived.
The road I've now pointed you to is full of friendly repair shops and Bolivian prices.
Good Luck, Ash