2/14/2011 Vintage XS650 trip to Panama Canal Success!
Well we had an excellent trip! I ended up switching from my 1977 to a 1981 just a few weeks prior to leaving. But put many of the old 77 parts on my bike. First of all we tailored from Mpls to Texas. Somewhere in southern Texas we unloaded and road to Brownsville. The border crossing was simple. We stopped just over the border and spent the afternoon eating tacos and checking things out. Kind of laughing about all the post here that say ride like hell and don’t look back for about 100 miles etc…
The whole trip was fantastic and the people could not have been friendlier! Border crossings were simple with the cheap hired help. The Panama border was the most time consuming due to being very busy.
Leave all your fears here and go for it! We rode very old $400 dollar bikes and packed very light. No problems other than a couple flats. Bikes ran great! Email me if you have any questions!
I can email pictures... Just getting back into the swing here at home so been busy!
Last edited by Grant Johnson; 20 Feb 2011 at 20:34.
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