3 rd year started one the roade
3 year one the roade now in india restin aftear a bad acident in nepal hit a local lunitik that jump aout one the roade whas crusing at 90 kilimeters BANG the idiot whent flying i whent flying he landed in a ditch i first fougt the idiot whas dead but thear whas a smal noice i whent back to may bike trying to pick it up but then i realise broken hand 5 bones in total tried to snap the bones in posistion 2 times no luck knea swolod to fotbal sice concosion and part off a tatto disipeard bike whas damegd but i tried to geat awhay but no luck sidboxes whas bloking may wheal dam police came and the fune started the refused to take mea to hospital onleas the goat money i told them f==k yuo aftear 8 auoers i leaft the police aoutpost and got a taxi to a hospital the military and police ar 100 procent corupt iff acident in nepal rune awhay itys the only whay aftear 5 days att house arest i had to pay 600 us to the idiots famely i told them it whasent may foult thear whas whitnes that can testifay to that dident mathear yuo pay justis in nepal now in puschkar resting may broken bones iff eny one neads a start engine four a honda 650 i have 1 xtra whid mea enjoy the roades in the meantime right now i am in rajastan puchkar india