Like many people (especially on here) I have been dreaming for ages of taking a LONG trip by motorbike. I've done a few smaller trips that I've really enjoyed, however the thought of going away for more than a couple of weeks, of going somewhere really foreign, of having time to really explore has become increasingly strong. The time is now right for a number of reasons to take this trip!
I'm not going quite yet, I'm in the trip planning stage, for a trip that will start in October. I'm lucky enough to work in a job where I could apply for extended leave, so earlier this year I applied for 10 months and plan to travel around the Americas. The good news is that my leave has been agreed, and more importantly when I return I should hopefully still have a job.
I chose the Americas for several reasons. Firstly I've worked in South America in the past, I've really enjoyed the experience and also know a few people on the same continent. Secondly, the Americas are one of the few places where you do not require a Carnet to import and export a bike (something that generally puzzles me). I'm a musician and I'm also heavily involved in arts education; I hope that the richness of musics and number of social/educational projects will ensure I meet interesting people with whom I'll have lots in common. Finally my favorite riding is through beautiful countryside, I've experienced some of this when exploring Brazil on a motorbike a few years back, so I'm hoping to see even more amazing and beautiful things on this trip.
In between dreaming about the trip I'm doing a number of practical things, such as slowly getting rid of unneeded belongings. CD's are on Amazon, whilst other things are being prepared for EBay. Getting rid of things is a pain, but it's also somewhat cathartic in nature.
I've pretty much bought all of the new things I need for the trip. I already had most of the essential gear but wanted to update a few things. Buying a few new toys has been fun

, these have included a Hennessy Hammock, VIO POV HD camera, new boots and helmet, and a macbook pro. As I travel I may do some reviews of the gear.
I've also got hold of some 'Learn Spanish' CDs. I'm guessing it will be useful to have a few words before I leave, however I've never been that great at languages. I'm hoping that immersion in a different language will help, I've also been considering doing an intensive course in Mexico or Guatamala as part of my trip. Spending 10 months by yourself and not being able to talk with anyone would be really isolating, so getting some language is probably as essential as the motorbike!
Talking of which, I've been thinking about this trip for so long that certain aspects had been decided literally years ago, and this includes my choice of bike. I intend to ride a KLR650. it does pretty much everything, I've heard it described as the Swiss Army Knife of bikes, it's also far cheaper than a BMW, which would likely have been my other choice. Having done a bit of searching on the web I've found someone looking to sell his KLR who lives in Montana. We've been in contact, so hopefully the bike is pretty much sorted out and will be ready to go when I arrive in the states. Montana is also the perfect starting point. Having got to the coast, the trip 'real' will begin with a ride down the west coast of the USA...something I've dreamed of for a long time!
I officially finish work on the 1st October, my flight to Seattle is booked for the 6th...route still to be decided, some work finished up, and then I'm free to travel!!!!