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Ride Tales Post your ride reports for a weekend ride or around the world. Please make the first words of the title WHERE the ride is. Please do NOT just post a link to your site. For a link, see Get a Link.
Photo by Stephan Hahnel, Kradwanderer, in Northern Argentina

I haven't been everywhere...
but it's on my list!

Photo by Stephan Hahnel,
in Northern Argentina

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Old 13 Nov 2013
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Posts: 13
We reached Nairobi on the 11th November. We are relaxing at Jungle Junction while the 990s get serviced at KTM Kenya round the corner. Adam the workshop manager there has been very helpful, he's a good dude (his number is +254703567171).

A few photos from the past few weeks are below. Brilliant times.

Cairo. US$15 each at the Delta Kahoud Hotel. Good value.

Check points near Tahrir Square, Cairo.

If you're crossing from Aswan to Wadi Halfa, I highly recommend Kamal (+201005322669). He's laid back and friendly, and knows his business relies on maintaining a good reputation with overlanders.

Rice barge the bikes were loaded on. It arrived three days before the main vehicle barge. Thanks Kamal.

Nubian Desert


Simien Mountains

Road to Lalibela

Road from Lalibela to Waldia

Ron on a 1200GS rode with us, had a prang and broke his brake reservoir. This was his DIY solution. Genius, worked for two days with no need for refilling.

A pass before Addis

South of Arba Minch

Moyale to Marsabit. Bit wet and muddy. 190kms off-road. 60km brand new tarmac (the 60km immediately north of Marsabit). Apparently there is still conflict between tribes up there, but tourists are not targets. The banditry is apparently very much under control.
Edited video of the day .

Brett fell here and broke his hand.


The road from Marsabit to Isiolo is about 140km of corrugated gravel. I used the sandy rut on the very edge of the road and it was not too bad a ride. The rest is brand new Chinese tarmac.

We met Chris, Brett, and Ron in Aswan and rode with them for much of the way to Nairobi.

See www.matward.com for videos, and other links (Facebook/blog/etc).


Last edited by KiwiMat; 13 Nov 2013 at 19:24. Reason: Added video link of Moyale Marsabit ride
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Old 14 Nov 2013
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Posts: 50
Great report and pics

Love what you guys are doing, one day!! I must do the same. Ron on GS 650?
I think I met him in Ullapool, he has done lots of travelling on the 650?? Have fun, keep giving us your news & pics. Tourman
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Old 21 Dec 2013
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: On the big Katoom
Posts: 132
Hello, just come across the thread. Fantastic.

I am in the process of planning a similar trip for next year, leaving end of April. Your info and phone numbers will be a great help. I have some info about visas already from a local agency but that can never be as valuable as experience from others.

Looks like a cracking trip, can't wait to get mine underway!
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africa, libya, tunisia

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