9 Feb 2013
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Frontera El Salvador
The crossing here is fairly easy and just requires some copies which are easily obtained just across the street.
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DSC04502 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
The SAT official had a great hat on when he came out to check the VINs on the bikes.
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Crossing the river to El Salvador.
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 017 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 018 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
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Arriving at the El Salvador Customs and Immigration we found very friendly officials and signs everywhere telling you that there is no corruption there. The signs were true.
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I wonder how long these guys waited at the border?
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And how long has this guy has been parked in the no parking zone.
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Almost done with the El Salvador vehicle temporary import permit. Just checking the VINs.
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One bike done!
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Now the other two!! All three bikes in about 90 min. Thanks Dan and Orvar…..I just waited with the bikes.
DSC04541 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
9 Feb 2013
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El Imposible
Now we are on the loose in El Salvador. Thanks to Julio and Mario for route suggestions. We left the border for a short ride on pavement to the 14 km “road” to the El Imposible Park. The dirt was the easy part. It was the steep hills with very bumpy cobble stones that was the challenge.
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Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 028 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 032 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 031 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 026 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 027 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
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9 Feb 2013
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El Imposible
We arrived hot and sweaty at the eco lodge almost at the top of the road.
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Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 058 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Luckily they had cold s and a cool natural spring pool for a dip.
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We walked the last km up the road to the national park.
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 036 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 054 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 055 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 035 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 037 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 040 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 041 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
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We went for a hike thru the jungle to the miradors.
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Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 047 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
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Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 044 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 046 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
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Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 049 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 051 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
We also had a great view over the jungle to the ocean.
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We celebrated our first night in El Salvador with a drink of Orvar’s special whisky brought all the way from Sweden.
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DSC04574 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
9 Feb 2013
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Hitting the road again
We were up early for the ride back down to the highway.
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 061 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 062 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 063 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 065 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 066 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 068 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 070 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 071 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 072 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
The cobbles sure are easier downhill.
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FILE1950 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
9 Feb 2013
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Volcanos and Lakes
We headed down the CA-2 and then east up the 15 to Apaneca and Salcoatitan where we had brekfast.
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 079 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 081 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
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We went up thru San Isidro dodging potholes and then drove up the paved road on Volcano Santa Ana to the national Park Cerro Verde.
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Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 088 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
We headed to the mirador above Lago de Coatepequue.
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 089 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 094 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fr Gränsentill Santa Ana, Salvador 092 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
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We went down to the lake side for a swim and a lemonade.
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DSC04614 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
11 Feb 2013
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Apsunga and Lago Ilopongo
We were down and out for a few days with 1 sick team member, but now we are back to full force. We spent 2 days luckily at a nice hotel in Santa Ana while Daniel was ill. Once he recovered we had our route planned out.
Screen Shot 2013-02-10 at 7.11.48 PM by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
We planned to meet up with Mario and the other riders from the Touratech rally at Apsunga. This is a riverside day resort with a nice restaurant, rafting, swimming, and zip lines. We spent the day in the shade drinking lemonadas.
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Orvar was keen to try “ the newly finished road” that he had seen on the net. The first 30 km is a beautiful newly paved curvy mountain road. As is usual in Latin America “finished” is a relative term and we were stopped several times for construction delays. We finally arrived at Casa Lecha after dark and we all managed to park in the garage.
DSC04626 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fernanda is the hostess with the mostess. She remembered that my favorite food was lasagna and she had made that for dinner for us. The next morning she made her famous “fluffy” pancakes. Mui Rico!
DSC04636 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
The view of the volcano and our new BMW El Salvador hats.
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After much family discussion on lake verses volcano we decided on lake for the Sunday outing. We drove to lago Ilopongo to the beach. Again Fernanda was prepared with all kinds of food and drink.
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This is such an amazing spot on the lake.
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Fernandita and I sunbathed and hung out in the hammocks.
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Mario took us on a tour of the lake and for a swim out in the middle of the crater Lake.
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The girls adoring Lord Daniel.
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Pool noodles make it so much easier to swim with your drink!
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We turned around at the cross and powered past the lakeshore.
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Then Fernanda whipped us up a massive Paella on a gas burner.
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Tomorrow is riding thru tunnels and up the volcano.
12 Feb 2013
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Motorider San Salvador, El Salvador
We had a great experience at Motorider in San Salvador. Mario Lecha has an amazing shop and team of mechanics. They fit us in at very short notice even though the shop was very busy. He also had the synthetic oil Daniel wanted and that we had been looking all over for in the last 2 months. They are also the Touratech outlet so we could get a few other items we needed.
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Poor Chicko had to "freshen up" the heads of several of my skid plate bolts in order to be able to remove them for the oil change. They had been sheared off from millions of tope!
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Adding a worldwideride sticker to the window.
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Mario trying out Loulou, but I'm pretty sure he will not trade in his 1200 anytime soon. Maybe it's the pink flowers??
DSC04695 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Last edited by saralou; 13 Feb 2013 at 03:29.
12 Feb 2013
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Volcano San Salvador
Mario, Daniel, Orvar, and I rode up to the San Salvador volcano. Mario is pointing to the crater he has at his coffee finca on the slopes of the volcano.
DSC07023 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
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We hiked to the crater rim in the Parque Nacional El Boqueron.
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The crater is very steep and there is a smaller crater in the bottom from a more recent eruption.
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Daniel had put his helmet on a bench, but it went for a dive and rolled down the hill. Luckily not on the crater side.
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We stopped at the mirador for a drink.To the left of the tree you can see the stadium that is just down in front of Casa Lecha.
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Daniel must be fully recovered since he ordered a mint Frappachino at Ben's coffee.
DSC07058 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Last edited by saralou; 13 Feb 2013 at 03:25.
15 Feb 2013
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El Tunco
We had heard there were some German riders in El Tunco so we all went out to meet Katja and Jens.
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It was great to hear some of their stories from the last 2 years.
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We enjoyed a few s and some oysters at sunset.
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When we got “home” Fernanda had made us New York Cheesecake.
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We had a nightcap too.
DSC04736 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
16 Feb 2013
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Why you should not miss out on El Salvador
We went up to San Salvador volcano again to visit the coffee finca near the crater and then around the volcano to visit the one on the other side.
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finca Lecha 2 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
finca Lecha 3 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
finca Lecha 4 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
At the second finca we hiked up to see the two craters on the property that we saw on the map at the park earlier in the week.
finca Lecha 8 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
One is huge and filled with trees. The smaller one is collapsing on itself.
finca Lecha 18 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
finca Lecha 12 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
On the way down we stopped for a view of the lava flows from the 1917 eruption.
finca Lecha 11 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
finca Lecha 17 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
We visited the Joya de Cera archeological site.
Joya de Ceren 42 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Joya de Ceren 2 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
It is known as the Pompeii of Central America. The site was covered in volcanic mud and ash at least 14 times, beginning around 260 A.D, with the last recorded around 600 A.D. It was discovered by accident in 1976
Joya de Ceren 7 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Joya de Ceren 12 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Joya de Ceren 18 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Joya de Ceren 30 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Joya de Ceren 33 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
There is also a small museum here housing displays explaining the discovery, excavation, and conservation of the site. There are a number of artifacts on display as well.
Joya de Ceren 10 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
We were lucky to see the national bird of El Salvador, which has amazing tail feathers.
Joya de Ceren 38 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Back at casa Lecha we applied our new stickers as an homage to Katja and Jens who have all their stickers in the same locations on their two bikes.
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The next day we rode up to the Devil’s door. On the way we stopped at the picturesque village of Panchimalco with it’s all white church.
Devil's door 46 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Devil's door 9 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
You can see the Devil’s door above us on the hillside.
Devil's door 5 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
I took the opportunity to trial all 3 bikes, the 800 GS, the R1200, and the 1200 adventure as a pillion. Mario you win for ride comfort and view.
Devil's Door 46 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Deviel's door 47 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
La Puerta del Diablo´s main atraction is a 360° panoramic view of half of El Salvador. From here you can see San Salvador, Lake Ilopango, the city of Cojutepeque and the towering volcano of San Vicente. You will see most of the central coastline of El Salvador from this spot 1,131 meters above sea level.
Devil's door 15 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Devil's door 8 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Devil's door 6 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Devil's door 13 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Devil's door 23 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Devil's door 31 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Devil's door 37 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Later we stopped at a local motocross accessory shop to check out the gear.
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DSC04812 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
16 Feb 2013
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The beach!
Now finally the beach. We spent an amazing day at the beach north of El Zonte. We had a cabana for shade.
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The sea is like bath water.
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We enjoyed ceviche and sopa de mariscos. We also tried an El Salvador treat cheese puffs and salsa.
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There were all kinds of shenanigans including mud fights and interpretive dance.
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There is a nice pool here too.
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The only way to end a day at the beach! Drive thru burgers.
DSC04866 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
19 Feb 2013
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Having too much fun in El Salvador
Worldwideride and the GSSWEDE spent the last few days in El Salvador living it up. with MFF (Mario, Fernanda, and Fernandita)
Image 6 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Happy Valentines Everyone!
valentines dinner 16 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
valentines dinner 7 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Fernanda wanted to take us to her favorite quiche pizza place. The décor includes Elvis posters, taxidermy, and Chinese paper lanterns.
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The pizza however is amazing and the mug is so cold that the ices when you pour it in.
valentines dinner 2 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
We had the “crazy pizza” with a rainbow of toppings, but the secret is the delicious tomato salsa you put on top.
DSC04921 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Carlos at the Barracuda showed us a great time on Friday night and he makes a mean caprina.
baracuda 5 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
baracuda 11 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
baracuda 32 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Orvar even got into the action behind the bar as the master blender.
baracuda 3 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
You have to love a place where they label the bottle with your name for when you come back.
baracuda 36 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
19 Feb 2013
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The Tunnels
We set out to ride the tunnels along the coast road. This is a curvy road with 5 tunnels.
tunnel ride 7 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
tunnel ride 5 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
tunnel ride 14 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
tunnel ride 23 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
tunnel ride 19 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
tunnel ride 8 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
tunnel ride 21 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
tunnel ride 10 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
tunnel ride 16 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
tunnel ride 13 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
We liked it so much we turned around and rode it back again before a stop for a snack.
tunnel ride 3 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
19 Feb 2013
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The Barracuda
We had such a good time at the Barracuda we went back for lunch the next day of Oysters and champagne.
baracuda 40 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
baracuda 9 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
baracuda 4 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
baracuda 34 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
baracuda 21 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
baracuda 7 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
They make these really good margarita azul with blue curacao.
baracuda 17 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
The seafood was amazing.
baracuda 10 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
baracuda 30 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
Orvar was so jealous of our touratech pannier system, that he bought a set from Mario at Motorider. The only problem was to get his old ones home to Sweden for his other bike. Well in the end was no problem at all.
DSC04950 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
DSC04951 by Worldwide Ride.ca, on Flickr
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"My friend and I are planning a trip from Singapore to England... We found (the HU) site invaluable as an aid to planning and have based a lot of our purchases (bikes, riding gear, etc.) on what we have learned from this site." Phil, Australia
"I for one always had an adventurous spirit, but you and Susan lit the fire for my trip and I'll be forever grateful for what you two do to inspire others to just do it." Brent, USA
"Your website is a mecca of valuable information and the (video) series is informative, entertaining, and inspiring!" Jennifer, Canada
"Your worldwide organisation and events are the Go To places to for all serious touring and aspiring touring bikers." Trevor, South Africa
"This is the answer to all my questions." Haydn, Australia
"Keep going the excellent work you are doing for Horizons Unlimited - I love it!" Thomas, Germany
Lots more comments here!
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Authentic, engaging and evocative travel memoirs, overland, around the world and through life.
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Horizons Unlimited was founded in 1997 by Grant and Susan Johnson following their journey around the world on a BMW R80G/S.
Read more about Grant & Susan's story
Membership - help keep us going!
Horizons Unlimited is not a big multi-national company, just two people who love motorcycle travel and have grown what started as a hobby in 1997 into a full time job (usually 8-10 hours per day and 7 days a week) and a labour of love. To keep it going and a roof over our heads, we run events all over the world with the help of volunteers; we sell inspirational and informative DVDs; we have a few selected advertisers; and we make a small amount from memberships.
You don't have to be a Member to come to an HU meeting, access the website, or ask questions on the HUBB. What you get for your membership contribution is our sincere gratitude, good karma and knowing that you're helping to keep the motorcycle travel dream alive. Contributing Members and Gold Members do get additional features on the HUBB. Here's a list of all the Member benefits on the HUBB.