
20 Dec 2022
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30.06.2014 Silencer modification
One of the tasks in preparing a motorcycle is to change the muffler.
The factory one is too high and has a catalytic converter, which can be a big problem when refueling with leaded gasoline.
U-POWER suggested that they experiment and try to create an exhaust system with an adjustable muffler. Unfortunately there isn't enough time...
To solve the problem, the muffler was cut. Catalyst cut out. A compact direct-flow resonator was installed in the vacated place, so that the sound remained unchanged (point with a red arrow).
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21 Dec 2022
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30.06.2014 Additional gas tank and protection
I wanted to make the protection and the gas tank one piece, so that the bottom part was made of a thick aluminum sheet. Yaroslav (U-POWER) insisted that it be separate.
(2015) Now I understand - he was 100% right. After my last accident, the protection received a dent. I fixed it easily. If the gas tank and protection were one, it would be a problem.
The volume of the fuel tank is the space formed between the engine protection and the engine itself. There was enough space to hold about 10 liters of fuel.
Now we had to decide how to raise gasoline from the lower tank to the upper one without using an additional pump and fuel gauge.
I really don't like complicating the design. I would not want to constantly monitor the level, switch and add something.
The decision came unexpectedly by itself. Don't complicate! You just need to remove the ventilation hose from the upper tank and lower it into the additional tank.
The fuel pump will create a vacuum in the main tank - the vacuum will take fuel from the additional tank. All!
As a result, the system works as follows: fuel enters the upper tank through the ventilation hose. The lower tank has its own ventilation. Each tank has a filler hole with a stopper. First, fuel comes from the lower tank, and then from the upper one. The sensor (bulb) is triggered when the lower fuel tank is completely empty, and the upper one is about 3 liters.
The system is simple and maintenance free. There is simply nothing to break, with the exception of the fuel pump.
Just in case, I used a check valve in the ventilation, which prevents fuel from spilling out when the motorcycle falls.
(2015) I especially appreciated my idea when in Mongolia I had to go 400 km off-road without seeing a single sign of at least some kind of fuel.
I also noticed that with a full bottom tank the bike runs much more stable. The low center of gravity rules!
Non-return valve for ventilation of the additional gas tank.
I made it as high as possible so that when passing the ford, water would not get into it.
It was necessary to make a filler hole on the gas tank.
My friend Mikhalych gave me a canister from which the cork was cut.
Now it looks like this:
one of the attachment points
a total of 6
We distributed the load over multiple attachment points.
It turned out very sexy))
The test showed that 9.5 liters of gasoline fit into an additional gas tank.
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24 Dec 2022
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01.07.2014 A month before the start.. Motorcycle driving license.
I had a secret...
Not exactly a secret, of course, but for some reason everyone was sure that I had a motorcycle license. In order not to outrage the public, I tried not to tell anyone.
I was sure that getting a driver's license was not difficult. Everything could be solved for money. Many people in Russia still believe that money is everything...
So here it is! Believe it or not, corruption in a separate area seems to have been defeated. In any case, in Moscow for sure.
Having lost a lot of time because of my ignorance, I still received a document on the end of the motorcycle school.
Now you need to choose the inspection where to take the exams. Yes, now you can choose any of the departments involved in examination work.
But there is one rule to keep in mind. Both exams (theory and driving) must be taken in the same place. Accordingly, in this place and then come for the rights.
At first, fate led me to inspection number 4. Attention! Don't go there (if you live in Moscow) ever! If you really want to get your driver's license on time and save your nerves, avoid Inspection #4!
But I did not know .. And so, having passed the theory, I was still signed up for driving.
The day comes and having arrived at the specified address, I find myself in the hangar where the exam will take place.
The hangar is crowded. It feels like the whole of Moscow is here.
Everyone was waiting for the inspector and was nervous. And then, an hour late, God appears!
The inspector calls everyone to the video camera and in a loud voice, reading out the name and surname, asks you to look into the lens. Then he forces a group of 15 potential motorcyclists to stand against the wall and the execution begins.
Only one in four passed the exam. For each examinee, he ran on the heels of looking at how the wheel went. Sometimes he even crouched down, apparently due to myopia, in order to better see if the wheel had touched the edge of the painted line.
In the end, somehow not too perfect, I drove. The inspector crosses me out in his notebook - "Come to retake the exam in a month .."
No, that won't do, I don't have time!
I read on the Internet that it is better to take it to another inspection.
Everything is better in this inspection. The queues are short, it is more convenient to get there, the atmosphere is better.
Here the inspector did not act on the nerves, but on the contrary, he communicated quite friendly with everyone. One of the guys raised the wrong hand before braking, so the inspector just laughed and did not count the penalty points.
The instructors were very helpful. Before my exam start, a couple of calm phrases removed my nervousness. As a result, the exam passed!
And here they are..
Strange color design... Now I can even drive some kind of moto van, moped and bike.
I was allowed to keep my old license as a keepsake by cutting off the corner where the number was located.
I did it a month before the start...
Now nothing stops me from going on a trip around the world!!!!
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25 Dec 2022
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02.07.2014 Motorcycle bags. Start of production.
It started back in March.
Today I again visited my friends at the factory.
Together with Sergey (the owner of the factory) we will make bags for the motorcycle. They have been making clothes for motorcycles for a long time, but this time we will do something special! We met at a motorcycle show. I was looking for someone who can implement my idea. Sergey, like me, loves to invent and experiment. We immediately became friends!
I thought a lot about how to properly place luggage on a motorcycle.
I immediately discarded hard (plastic or aluminum) panniers, because. they are only suitable for driving on asphalt. They break when the motorcycle falls and are very dangerous when driving off-road.
I really don't like having huge bags hanging on the back of the bike that hinder the movement of the body on the bike, because moving along the bike is very important when riding enduro style. Also, the center of mass shifts strongly from the center of the motorcycle back and up, which has a very bad effect on handling.
And here's another thing - The way a motorcycle is usually loaded makes access to things inconvenient. Finding something quickly becomes a problem.
Of course, I'm talking about motorcycles for long trips, when you have to take everything you need in your luggage for autonomous life for several months or years, in different climatic conditions.
I apologize if this is a photo of your motorcycle! I took these photos for example from the Internet.
I believe that everything should be placed as low as possible and as close to the center of the bike as possible. In this case, we get good handling, low center of gravity and comfort for the pilot.
Therefore, I decided to distribute the weight evenly, keeping the load proportions between the front and rear wheel, and also to place the weight of the luggage as low as possible.
There will be 5 bags:
2 rear - main weight and volume
2 in front - light, voluminous things
1 behind the back seat - camera, documents, first aid kit, small essentials
Bags should be as hardy as possible (withstand repeated drops), waterproof, quickly removed and put on. They should not have knots and parts that can break. There should be no plastic parts! It should be something so simple and reliable that it can be compared with a Kalashnikov assault rifle.
We understood that the first time is unlikely to achieve the desired result. Therefore, we decided to do this: We will make the first sample with which I will begin my movement around the world. We will be constantly in touch. We will discuss and make adjustments using real experience in difficult conditions. Once a month, Sergey will send me a new, modified sample, which will also be checked and improved. In a month, the next one, and so we will do until I understand that we have achieved an ideal result.
And we will test the first prototype even before the start on another motorcycle.
Today we started production. It will be interesting to compare the first and last sample after I return from my trip around the world.
I'm sure we'll make the world's best luggage storage system on an adventure bike!
And that's not all - there is another idea!
The best security measure is to be invisible. No locks and anti-theft systems work like an ordinary motorcycle cover!
We will make it even more interesting - we combine three in one product:
1. Case
2. Awning
3. Hammock
We'll make it with khaki material.
Photo for example
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25 Dec 2022
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02.07.2014 Luggage system
It was probably the most difficult. It was especially difficult to calculate the fastening of the front bags.
For manufacturing, thick-walled stainless steel pipes with a high carbon content were used. This material withstands vibration - there will be no cracks.
We were afraid that it would turn out to be a very heavy structure. As a result, we were able to meet the total weight of 9 kg.
It will seem like a lot to you? But try weighing the standard Givi aluminum top case with BMW mount and you'll see.
It turned out to be a very reliable and very strong system. It will help protect the bike. It is convenient to take it with your hands to move or raise the motorcycle.
And I also like how it looks))
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25 Dec 2022
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12.07.2014 (10.08.2014) Muzzle
Dashboard, headwind protection, high-quality light - none of these are on my motorcycle.
At the moment, this is a typical enduro, not intended for long runs at high speed, without amenities and navigation.
I have to convert it into a rally bike. This is closer to my task.
I called friends, rummaged through the Internet for a week and finally found it!
It cost $600, but I paid that money.
The kit included an aluminum frame, two headlights with lenses and a KTM-style fiberglass body.
Later I want to put xenon headlights. But now the main thing is to securely attach all this to the motorcycle.
In the evening plastic parts went to painting. They will be gray like the rest of the bike.
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25 Dec 2022
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20.07.2014 Front suspension
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26 Dec 2022
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05.08.2014 What they don't talk about.
And now I will tell a little about what happened to me while the bike was being prepared in the garage.
Initially, I planned to go in the middle of summer 2014.
I understood that the most necessary thing was to find money. They ended very quickly when I quit my job (exhibition business).
I sold my car, sold everything I didn't need.
I actively sought sponsors and actively promoted the travel project in the media. This gave results, but doing everything almost alone is very difficult.
Since the beginning of summer, there is almost no time left for sleep.
I slept for 4-5 hours and rushed around the city for various meetings all day long, simultaneously controlling what was happening in the garage.
At a friend's print shop, I made brochures with a presentation and handed them out at meetings with representatives of different companies.
I have participated in many programs on television and radio. I visited all thematic exhibitions and events to find those who would be interested and give money.
Something worked out, sponsors were found, cooperation agreements were concluded.
If I had a lot of time and a team, everything would not be so difficult, but I was practically alone and my strength and nerves were running out.
Gradually, those who wanted to help began to appear. From somewhere people began to appear who sincerely sympathize with what I'm doing. Every day there were more of them. Without them, I would have gone crazy and nothing would have happened.
I would like to list everyone here, but it would be a huge list. Thank you dear friends!
In early July, I realized that I did not have time for the scheduled date. There were a thousand more things to do and it took time.
I postponed the start twice.
In mid-July I got a call from a very large company (energy drinks) and offered to meet. They really liked the idea and they made it clear that they were ready to conclude a contract. It was big money! Very big money! But there was one condition: they wanted me to postpone the start to the next (2015) year.
I was shaking for two days. I did not sleep. It was a huge challenge!
In the end, I refused.
Something inside me told me that if I didn't leave now, I would never leave.
I still solved the money problem. It was not a lot of money, but it was enough to go.
Friends donated a helmet and boots. A friendly company gave a good moto suit. I was given a satellite phone and a SPOT system.
An insurance company acted as a sponsor of the "traveler's insurance". And in cooperation with a road construction company, I received a guarantee of a small monthly income in exchange for articles with photographs about the roads of the world.
If only I had started doing this sooner...
In the background is my friend Eugene. He heads the Federation of Motorcycle Tourism. This person helped me a lot. Without him, nothing would have happened.
But maybe then it would have been a different journey. Not real. More like work. Maybe then I wouldn't belong to myself, and my trip would turn into one big advertising campaign...
Last start date is August 20, 2014.
I decided that on this day, regardless of how and what will be ready, I will go on a trip around the world.
Days began to fly by at breakneck speed ...
Two weeks before the start!
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27 Dec 2022
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17.08.2014 Presentation
We made a presentation for sponsors and friends.
Several TV channels arrived.
Was great!
Nobody knew that the bike wasn't ready yet...
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28 Dec 2022
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19.08.2014 One day before start.
I haven't slept at all for the last two nights. Another night ahead and in the morning I should be at the start.
I don't know how I can stand it. And I definitely wouldn’t have survived without my friends and people I didn’t know before, who for some reason came to help.
From the U-POWER garage, on a tow truck, I moved the motorcycle to the garage of Sergey Lyubchenko (my friend).
It's good that the TV people came. Thanks to this, there are several shots. I haven't photographed anything these days.
All work on the motorcycle should have been completed by mid-summer. But this was not done, so we have to do it now, in a hurry. I don’t know why Yaroslav did this, because there was a lot of time ...
Despite this, I am very grateful to him. He, with his team, did a great job and did it well. He is a good engineer and contributed a lot of great ideas. He took very little money for his work. Ten times less than it should have cost.
The problem is not only that now you have to finish the motorcycle almost around the clock. The problem is that in all the time I have never ridden on this motorcycle. Never!
I'm going to have to go on a long journey on a completely modified bike that didn't pass the test...!
I don't know how the converted bike will behave. I don't know how to handle a loaded bike (I've only ridden light enduros).
I thought that I would spend the last days before the start with the children. That I will visit my loved ones to say goodbye to the long months of separation. I will calmly collect things and enjoy anticipating a big event in my life.
Instead, I'm in the garage at night and trying to get things done during the day. I have turned into a zombie who no longer eats, does not sleep, does not go to the toilet, and is kept only on energy drinks and strong coffee.
If I had another month... But I will go to the east, and there winter comes earlier. I will not have time to get to Vladivostok before frost and snow. And this is at least 10,000 km through Altai, Mongolia and the Trans-Siberian Railway.
There is another problem - I have not collected things and some of the equipment is missing.
I haven't found a tent yet, no sleeping bag or travel mat. Many things are missing. I just didn't have time to do it.
I started preparing too late. I didn't really understand how much work there was to do.
But now is not the time to regret and whine! We need to gather our strength and be ready at the start in a few hours.
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28 Dec 2022
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20.08.2014 A few hours before the start
Night before start.
Who are these people??!!
Why did they come and help me? Why don't they sleep at home with their wives?
There are two of my friends here, but I see the rest of the people for the first time in my life!
Together we finish the electrical wiring, install light bulbs, lubricate the threads on the bolts with a thread lock, finish the little things that we didn’t have time to do in a few months.
It's already 2 am, and no one is going to leave. There is still a lot to do.
Today is the third night I haven't slept. I don't think well, and if it weren't for these guys, I wouldn't go anywhere.
What is happening is amazing!
I will remember this for the rest of my life!
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3 Jan 2023
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20.08.2014 start
August 20, 2014 - Moscow.
After 50 hours without sleep, for the first time I got on a motorcycle that had to cover hundreds of thousands of kilometers.
4.30 am. I'm driving home from the garage.
Dawn in Moscow. Humid morning air blowing on your face helps you recover.
I had 30 minutes to load the bags. Another sleepless night passed in the garage. An hour before the start, leaving the motorcycle near the entrance, in a zombie state, I ran home.
My wife is sleepy, follows me and says something, but I can hardly hear anything. In the room behind the closed door, the daughter sleeps. I definitely didn't want this moment to look like this...!
We made eye contact for a second. Doom... I felt sorry for her, I felt sorry for myself. Both of us understood that life would now divorce us forever ...
There was no time to say goodbye... There was no time to get ready. There was no one to help. I threw everything into the motorcycle bags that my exhausted mind remembered the need for. It was only necessary to put on the previously tried-on equipment, load the motorcycle and leave. I was expected at the start.
On a small platform, at the start of the crowd! It's great that you all came! How cool..!
From emotions, from the fact that those who I didn’t expect to see at my start came, from the fact that all this turned out to be so bright and necessary for someone, sleep receded, hands trembling from overwork calmed down, eyes that turned into slits opened. The head came out of the lead state - I lived!
Toggle switch up, start, the roar of the engine, the square disappearing behind the back and another important stop before leaving - the grandmother.
We sat on the bed - she was in a nightgown, I was in motorcycle gear. Two antipodes. I felt out of place in this clean, warm, aged room.
- "You know, but we will not see each other again" - in the first second from these words I got goosebumps.
- "Probably not long left for me..."
I pulled myself together - "So wait for me there. See you there." Surprisingly, these words suddenly seemed right. How calm it suddenly became.
I stood up, leaned over and hugged her. Warm, very weak, dear and also doomed ...
Before leaving the entrance, I stopped. What will I do if she dies?
I yanked open the door and stepped out into the street.
- I will not be back...
(this photo is from 2005)
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3 Jan 2023
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20.08.2014 start
A lot of people gathered in a small square.
There were many television and journalists. There were various officials and sponsors. It was a real show and everyone liked it.
You could just pack up and go. It would definitely be much easier - less responsibility and preparation. But then who will give the money? Sponsors need publicity and media.
Everything was funny, unusual, strange. The motorcycle is loaded with things for the first time. Everything was put together in a hurry, and I think I overdid it.
New motorcycle suit. I wore it for the first time today. First time motorcycle boots. First new helmet.
All these things had to learn how to interact. One day I'll get used to it, but now...
From the center of Moscow, to the exit from the city, I was accompanied by friends.
A special feeling - "we will see each other only after years ..."
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3 Jan 2023
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20.08.2014 start
Before leaving Moscow, I changed tires.
I will go to Mongolia on the cheapest tires. I will receive off-road tires by mail in Altai and change them before entering Mongolia.
They turned around after 10 kilometers. Now I'm alone. The whole world is in front of me.
I didn't know you could fall asleep on a motorcycle. Only thirty minutes of my loneliness had passed. The sun shone in full - my eyes were closed, my eyes did not care what would happen to me. They were ready to endure when the nerves were strained to the limit, when there were hours left before the start, but not now.
Now - the highway going into the distance, the smooth hum of the engine and the measured vibration of a huge piston pumping the first liters of gasoline.
I need an energy drink.
Leaning the wheel against the bump stop near the store, I turned off the engine. I'm tired as if I've been driving all day. The motorcycle tilted. An irresistible force knocked him to the ground, neglecting the efforts of painfully tense muscles. I managed to remove my foot, jumped back, and looked at how he was lying on the road.
It was a new experience. It was clearly heavier than I expected.
The energy drink didn't help. I drove only a few miles from the store. Sleep, painful, leaden, not ready to retreat, captured consciousness. Every kilometer with a fight. Every minute is an overcoming.
It was ridiculous to drive a hundred kilometers from the start and stop. This is nonsense! So much preparation, ambition and vanity at the start, and now, the hero was blown away, he could not ..
180 km, the city of Vladimir. Here, in a small hotel on the outskirts of the city, the traveler was lying face down with his arms stretched out along his body, scattering his clothes around the room. In his travel backpack, SPOT sent signals to the satellite every five minutes. The satellite sent the coordinates to the map. The route appeared on the map - the first kilometers.
These were very small and already very difficult kilometers. I was still very close. But does distance matter? It is important that this short path and this deep sleep is already on the journey!
Start done! I can't be brought back!
See you when I complete my journey across the planet!
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4 Jan 2023
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23.08.2014 Fourth day of RTW
City of Vladimir (200 km from Moscow), morning. Second day after start. An excellent hotel (in the style of the USSR) called "Klyazma". Very inexpensive and with a view of the pines.
I woke up realizing that I forgot so many important things. Yesterday, early in the morning, before the start, I was collecting bags in a very serious condition and it is not surprising that the most important thing was left at home.
I made a list and called my wife. It wasn't easy, but she agreed to bring me things. Thank you!
Now I could sleep for a few more hours. After three days without sleep, I still felt too sick to move on.
It's good that everything happened and I'm already on my way. Yes, I sleep in bed after only 200 km, but this is a dream on a journey!
This summer has passed me by. Preparation took all the time, and I didn’t even notice how half a year flew by. Only now I'm starting to look around. I almost forgot how to do it...
Apart from the things I forgot, I don't have the necessary spare parts which would be difficult to buy in the province and not possible in Mongolia. I blame myself. Ordered very late. Now I will receive the spare parts by mail in Ufa.
The owner of the spare parts store is Mikhail Sorokin (Mishutka), well-known among motorcyclists. Everyone in Russia who loves enduro travel knows him.
Michael is a pleasure to talk to. I call him all on my nerves, that it’s a nightmare and horror, that I didn’t manage to do everything and forgot everything, and on the phone a calm voice - “we’ll send everything wherever you say. Everything will be on time, just tell me what route you have ..”. Immediately, the soul becomes calmer. Misha, thank you!
Despite a piece of free time, I still did not understand the chaos of luggage. I don't know what and in what bag I have. This is a big problem when something is urgently needed. All things need to be properly distributed among the bags, but now I am not able to do this.
By evening, the eyes are closed again. I have to go to bed early and hit the road early tomorrow morning.
So I did)) I lay down at one in the morning and, as a result, woke up only at eleven in the afternoon. By the time I got ready, by the time I had warmed up, by the time I had paid, it was already lunch.
The bike seems much heavier than it was yesterday. Even though I sent a bunch of extra stuff back to Moscow.
On the highway pandemonium and traffic jam at every traffic light. The road to the east from Moscow is a very difficult direction for traffic.
Several times cars were equal to me and people wished me luck. Turns out a lot of people saw me on TV on the news"
- Have you already left? Have you already left?
Yes! Yes, gone! I can't even believe that this is true.
Nizhny Novgorod met with terrible traffic jams. I have not yet adapted to an overloaded motorcycle and this gives me a lot of impressions. I hate traffic jams..!
Zhenya Strogov (Federation of Mototourism) gave the guys from the city of Cheboksary a contact. This is a unique place. Landmark - "After the bridge over the river Sura, the first turn to the right. Follow the signs Motopost - 21".
Russia has a very strong community of motorcyclists. In different settlements, motorcyclists create special motorcycle parking lots equipped with everything necessary for an overnight stay and maintenance of a motorcycle. Probably so much it is not developed anywhere else in the world.
There are actually several features of these places:
- they will definitely be offended if you offer money
- the conditions can be both in a good hotel, and just a mattress in the garage.
- most likely you will have to drink a lot of vodka or  (a lot)
- maybe the plan to leave the next day will fail ..
Here is a real paradise for tourists and motorcyclists!
Sergey (Artist) met me. Showed me where to stay for the night.
It feels like I've known this person for a long time. Everything is easy and without ceremony. There is absolutely no feeling of embarrassment or awkwardness. In this place you belong. And I will tell you very cool!
I said goodbye to the guys and left.
In Kazan, I decided not to stop. No time.
I was stopped by the motorcycle police. They didn't need documents. They just wanted to hang out and see the bike.
Honda motorcycles 2002. They look like something out of my childhood movies. The design is clearly from the early 80s.
My headlights are great, but they need to be adjusted.
As long as they light up the sky and just a little bit of the highway. Forgive me fellow drivers!
I will definitely adjust the light and I will not blind you anymore.
An amazing feeling not familiar to the motorist. - raise your head and see the stars above your head ...
At night I arrived in Ufa.
To be continued...
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Check the RAW segments; Grant, your HU host is on every month!
Episodes below to listen to while you, err, pretend to do something or other...
2020 Edition of Chris Scott's Adventure Motorcycling Handbook.
"Ultimate global guide for red-blooded bikers planning overseas exploration. Covers choice & preparation of best bike, shipping overseas, baggage design, riding techniques, travel health, visas, documentation, safety and useful addresses." Recommended. (Grant)

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Ripcord Evacuation Insurance is available for ALL nationalities.
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Membership - help keep us going!
Horizons Unlimited is not a big multi-national company, just two people who love motorcycle travel and have grown what started as a hobby in 1997 into a full time job (usually 8-10 hours per day and 7 days a week) and a labour of love. To keep it going and a roof over our heads, we run events all over the world with the help of volunteers; we sell inspirational and informative DVDs; we have a few selected advertisers; and we make a small amount from memberships.
You don't have to be a Member to come to an HU meeting, access the website, or ask questions on the HUBB. What you get for your membership contribution is our sincere gratitude, good karma and knowing that you're helping to keep the motorcycle travel dream alive. Contributing Members and Gold Members do get additional features on the HUBB. Here's a list of all the Member benefits on the HUBB.