My name is Nate Clark Kayhoe, and this is my R/R of my attempt to travel the world on my motorcycle over the next couple years.
I’ll never forget the day I figured out this was possible. I sat down in front of a spreadsheet and built a plan to save every dollar I could over the next three years. Then, I executed: moved into my parent’s basement, instituted a personal austerity plan, and began preparations. Now, it’s a couple weeks since I’ve left everything behind - my career, my friends & my life in DC for the unknown, and though it’s terrifying and challenging, I know this is my only shot at this huge adventure. It’s now or never.
Who I am:
Standard chronological details (yawn, :rolleyes):
1983: I was born and raised in New Hampshire, USA (close to Boston).
2002: I went to university at Earlham College (Indiana, USA)
2006: Graduate school at the University of Southern California (Los Angeles, California, USA).
2007: I went to work for Barack Obama during his run for president.
Since: I have been working for him since, most recently at the White House.
My Facebook profile, posted sometime in the spring of 2005. I was just a college kid, but this is still basically me:
I love to read. I love to read eyes.
I love the terms delicate and sacred. Facebook is just another phase of finding what I need. I dream about deserts and mountains, motorcycles and mist.
I strive to create original ideas. I’m ambitious.
I’m content. I want to be a beautiful writer. I want to create masterpieces of oratory. I want to bring to walls crashing down. I want to make the grandfathers cry laugh and smile with their granddaughters.
I want to unite people about what is good and what is right and what is gentle. I firmly believe the most potent displays of strength can be shown through kindness and mercy. I believe that admitting to mistakes is the only way to justify pride.
“You want to know how to paint the perfect painting? It’s easy. Make yourself perfect and then just paint naturally… The making of a painting or the fixing of a motorcycle isn’t separate from the rest of your existence… …what I’m trying to come up with on these gumption traps, I guess, is a shortcut to living right. The real cycle you’re working on is a cycle called yourself. The machine that appears to be ‘out there’ and the person that appears to be ‘in here’ are not two separate things. They grow toward quality or fall away from Quality together.” - Pirsig
'Poets are the unacknowledged legislatures of the world.' I want to be a poet and a congressman at the same time.
I'm delighted by the failure of any one factor to account for the richness of reality. I want to be perfect. I want to be a leader. I’m ambitious. I don’t repeat myself often.
Where am I? You can find me working on my motorcycle.
Motorcycle: I’ve spent the last two years building a motorcycle capable of such an adventure. At least I hope so :lol3. My KLR 650 is designed to travel the world – upgraded and custom made parts have it prepared to travel in every sort of terrain in every sort of climate.
- Central America, north to south (3 months)
- South America, north to south, through the Amazon, and north again up the Eastern coast (6 months)
- Europe, counterclockwise in a relative circle. (6 months)
- Across Russia through Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and into India (3 months)
- Through Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and into SE Asia (4 months)
- Via boat/plane to Austrailia, New Zeland, Japan, South Korea (In order, 4 months)
- East to West back across the world via Russia (starting in Magadan, via the Road of Bones), Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and into Europe (3 months)
- Into Africa via Morocco and counterclockwise around the continent along the coast. (6 months)
- Home to the US.
I want to see the whole world. Simple as that.
For the first 5-6 months, Chris Santacroce, my dear friend, will be my travel buddy. He has his own KLR 650 and will be with me as we travel Central America and into South America. Here we are, I’m on the left, Chris is on the right: