Post By Bundubasher
Post By garnaro

19 Dec 2011
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Expedition Overland
This will be the official X Overland Info/Contest/question/whatever thread.
We are Expedition Overland.
We are a reality based web series about overlanding, featuring a 100 series Land Cruiser, a 2001 Tacoma, and a BMW F800gs
The desire for exploration and adventure is at the heart of this series. The show will feature our adventures and mishaps as well as our personal insights into our struggles, successes, and experiences. These journey's will require team work, problem solving, ingenuity, and endurance. The hurdles that are required for such journey's to be a success will be highlighted through out our series.
We have 6 members and are based out of Bozeman Mt. We currently have 2 episodes shot and live. Our second episode went live Dec 13th.
These episodes are free to watch, and we feel they are a much higher quality of entertainment than much of what is on TV these days.
Just getting on here so that we can let you guys know that we are real people and we are interested in what you have to say.
If you like us, please "Like" us on Facebook
Our webiste:
This has all of our episodes, extra content, vehicle info, photos, etc.
Facebook is our most active source of info. We post cool links, info about episodes, questions etc. Please "Like" us for updates.
Please watch the full episodes, they have some good wheeling, me crashing on my bike a bunch, and quite a bit of comedy.
Thanks again, and feel free to post any questions/comments/insight here.
Also, please note, this is a show about Adventure Travel, not mud bogging, rock crawling, enduro racing, etc. Our vehicles have to be fairly capable off road vehicles, as well as be fuel efficient, comfortable long distance highway vehicles. So keep that in mind while watching.
Enjoy, and thanks for having us on the HUBB!!!
Ryan and the XOVERLAND crew
Last edited by xoverland; 22 Jan 2012 at 05:19.

21 Dec 2011
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'Reality-based' ??
Dear God, I just lost all my enthusiasm for calling myself and Overlander.
Is your show going to tell us anything about the places you are travelling through, or are the vehicles and your personalities all we are going to get?

21 Dec 2011
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Originally Posted by danielsprague
'Reality-based' ??
Dear God, I just lost all my enthusiasm for calling myself and Overlander.
Is your show going to tell us anything about the places you are travelling through, or are the vehicles and your personalities all we are going to get?
Sorry to ruin it for you.. Have you watched it yet? We hate dramatized reality shows.... They have ruined America... It is reality as in not scripted, and we are really out there, driving around, doing the stuff... We are the camera crew, producers, editors, and cast. No extra support vehicles, people back stage etc. If you haven't watched it, please do, you will be surprised.
We also have a pretty good sense of humor, so you might even get a laugh in.
Anyway thanks for posting, and if you have any questions about the places we go, feel free to ask here. I will be more than happy to answer them to the best of my ability!!
Thanks again,

21 Dec 2011
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I liked it, it was prettty cool for a bunch of guys with a bunch of toys to be able to play. Also, it goes to show North America has more to offer than McDonalds and Freeways.
Your lucky... that states has a lot of places to play and I'll watch the next episode too.
I wish you guys well.
Ryan, I lost count the amount of times I fell off my bike, after 13 or so I couldn't care less anyhow..! I see why you needed a winch as hand pulling German tractors even with 3 buddies is a hard thing..! LOL!
Winch..? pah..! eat yer greens and get t' gym lad!! Ha Ha Ha!
'Security is a product of one's own imagination, it does not exist in nature as a rule, life is either a daring adventure or nothing.'

21 Dec 2011
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"The prize is a new (pause..) metal (wait for it!) NATO Jerry can."
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...

21 Dec 2011
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Originally Posted by wuming
Pretty funny stuff, although there is probably more truth than we would like to admit!!
Originally Posted by geoffshing
Ryan, I lost count the amount of times I fell off my bike, after 13 or so I couldn't care less anyhow..! I see why you needed a winch as hand pulling German tractors even with 3 buddies is a hard thing..! LOL!
Winch..? pah..! eat yer greens and get t' gym lad!! Ha Ha Ha!
Yea, its definitely not NEEDED, but it is nice to have, has other uses too. It weighs about 8 lbs. Not a TON of weight, but it is something extra. Some may find it handy as opposed to blasting through something they are not quite comfortable doing.
Work Smarter not Harder
oh wait... Maybe working smarter would have been actually seeking professional help for learning to ride a bike like mine!!!
Originally Posted by Bundubasher
"The prize is a new (pause..) metal (wait for it!) NATO Jerry can."
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
Yea, we were wanting to do something bigger, we though we would test out the "contest" idea with that. Apparently a $60 Jerry can isn't worth the time for people as we haven't had anyone submit any pictures, or maybe its just a lame requirement for the contest.
Any better Ideas?
Please let us know, that is what places like this are for. We really appreciate the feedback, and thanks everybody for posting!!!

21 Dec 2011
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Just that a NATO style jerrycan is probably about a fiver in the UK - maybe a tenner for the German version!
If I won, what would be the postage from mainland US to Zimbabwe for said jerrycan? Would you spring for airmail and, more importantly, would it be full of cheap US fuel?
If you ever choose to expand your horizons the be sure to visit us in Zimbabwe - if we're in country then you'll be welcome to pitch your tent on our plot!

21 Dec 2011
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Originally Posted by Bundubasher
Just that a NATO style jerrycan is probably about a fiver in the UK - maybe a tenner for the German version!
If I won, what would be the postage from mainland US to Zimbabwe for said jerrycan? Would you spring for airmail and, more importantly, would it be full of cheap US fuel?
If you ever choose to expand your horizons the be sure to visit us in Zimbabwe - if we're in country then you'll be welcome to pitch your tent on our plot!
Sorry, should have mentioned, we will only ship to the US. Sorry
Lucky on the Jerry cans, bummer on the fuel. I just spent a year in Kenya, I can feel your pain on the fuel end for sure, and most things overlanding related (Vehicles, Parts, tires, accessories.... ) Its all too expensive. It was everything we had to just keep a vehicle running!!!
Thanks for the invite, we currently have about 4 more episodes planned for this spring, all in North America. We have much bigger ideas for the show in general. My time in Africa was amazing, and I cant wait to go back. If there is any substantial future for the show, I'm sure we will end up over there!!!

22 Dec 2011
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lots of potential
Originally Posted by wuming
hahahaha. holy crap that is funny.
Excellent production quality Ryan and company, well done on that front - it was actually quite fun to watch. I'm recently learning to ride off-road a bit as well so I can definitely sympathize with you trying to get that big bike up that steep loose rocky stuff. You guys should really work on the content so that it doesn't come off looking like a real life version of this:
Cutting down on the melodramatic narration, prominence of the high tech gear and vehicles, and firearms would help. You are all running around wearing guns on your belts for the entire second episode. Seriously?! That looks completely ridiculous. Then there is some frank discussion of the protection they provide from the harmless black bear that you encountered as if you would need to shoot the poor thing. Jeez guys, ever been backpacking?

22 Dec 2011
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Originally Posted by BugsOnMyBoard
Excellent production quality Ryan and company, well done on that front - it was actually quite fun to watch. I'm recently learning to ride off-road a bit as well so I can definitely sympathize with you trying to get that big bike up that steep loose rocky stuff. You guys should really work on the content so that it doesn't come off looking like a real life version of this:
Another hilarious video!!!(I had to watch all of them)
Thanks for the compliments!! Clay is a great cinematographer, and we are lucky to have him running this deal. Learing to ride a big bike on lots of this stuff can be pretty challenging. I had spend some time in the Pryor's before, but none of us had ever been on either of those nasty sections. Turning around on the first one would have meant hours of backtracking.
Originally Posted by BugsOnMyBoard
Cutting down on the melodramatic narration, prominence of the high tech gear and vehicles, and firearms would help. You are all running around wearing guns on your belts for the entire second episode. Seriously?! That looks completely ridiculous. Then there is some frank discussion of the protection they provide from the harmless black bear that you encountered as if you would need to shoot the poor thing. Jeez guys, ever been backpacking?
We are trying to find a happy medium between making an entertaining show that the general public will enjoy, as well as keep it informative for people who are actually out and about traveling. Now we can't stand watching most reality shows on TV today, with their staged idiotic drama, fights, and general garbage....
But unfortunately , that's what a lot of people like. Whether they know it or not, the tension gets peoples blood flowing.
Our first episode was a little heavy on the narration, introducing the show, characters, etc. We will eventually blend it all a little better.
We know that all the hi tech stuff is definitely not needed, but it is helpful when you are on a schedule. "overlanding" should not be on a schedule, but as we are just starting out, we have 6 guys, with families and jobs, and we only have a set amount of time to get somewhere, shoot a show, and get home.
Congratulations on being the first person to complain about the guns and bear incident. We knew it was coming.
I do not want to turn this into a GUN thread, I'm sure there are other places we can discus that in detail, and I am more than happy to, but not here. So here is my quick answer....
I will start with the general use of sidearms.... Early in the episode, Clay mentions us "Trying out our snake shot" Snakes are by far the most dangerous and immediate threat posed to us, especially on this episode. Stomping through sagebrush, opening gates, etc. Its not uncommon for a person to have multiple run ins with rattle snakes in a day. Getting bit by one means being laid up, immobile for a couple weeks.
I have had a close friend end up in the emergency room from a black bear bite. And black bears are definitely not the dangerous bear to worry about. There are also grizzlies, and wolves.
I think 4 members of our group are avid backpackers and outdoors-men. I really wish you can make it out here sometime to go backpacking, but if you do, be prepared, by far, the majority of backpackers carry side arms. Even the hard core mountaineering types.
Lots of people here in Montana have guns. Approximately like 99% of households or something like that.
We are not trying to come off as macho dudes or something like that... It is just the environment we have grown up in.
If the tool is available, why not use it?
The rambo scene was our sorry attempt at humor, and we knew that it would probably get some negative press.. The bear was no where near aggressive, he was really laying on the submissive body language, and it was remarkable to be able to see one that close in the wild. (We actually saw 2 bears, although we didn't get good enough footage for the second bear to make it in the show.)
We have received far more positive than negative about it, I'm sorry if it offends somebody, but you can make everybody happy...
Again, if you want to continue the conversation somewhere else, PM me and point me to the correct thread where such discussion would be appropriate.
Thanks again, and thanks for bring up these issues, they are questions I'm sure alot of people had in their mind, especially given the worldwide nature of this forum.

22 Dec 2011
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You guys know your own country, so if your judgment is that you need guns on your hips while driving around in trucks for your safety, I'm sure that's the prudent course. We don't have grizzlys in the Sierra Nevada. Don't quite understand how a gun helps with a sudden strike from a rattler in tall grass. If I hear one, I go around.
As I mentioned, high production quality + outdoor adventures = fun to watch. However, IMHO part of the impression that comes across is simply that these guys like playing with their guns and haven't seen many bears before.

29 Feb 2012
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Just to let everyone know, we just got back from shooting Episode 3 this last weekend, and we will get it edited up and live in a few weeks!!!
Hint: LOTS of snow!!!!

1 Mar 2012
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looking forward to seeing it!
Grant Johnson
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4 Apr 2012
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Episode 3 is live, I hope you guys like it!!!
check it out for free at www.xoverland.com
If you have any questions about anything... route, gear, people, feel free to ask!!!
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