Finally there!!

Dawson City in the distance

I was the last one aboard the ferry!
As I rode into Dawson I realized that I had not a clue as where to go, so I just followed the person in front of me. Which was luckily the right thing to do as he rode straight up to the Tripple J? Hotel
I had heard one of the guys at Vanessa’s place mention that they had a hose there, and the only thing I could think of then was getting the mud of Spirit.
There was a line, but I happily joined them, and before too long I got to put the hose on her. I can’t say that it helped much, but at least the huge clumps of mud fell off and I figured I could do the rest later.
It had started raining again and I had to go find a place to camp.
There was a place near the airport I heard, but then someone local told me that past the bridge on the right were two campgrounds that might still have space available.
I really didn’t want to pay for a campground, but I was too wet, hungry and tired to care. The first one was filled up, but the second one next door still had space available.
It was called the Bonanza. I had to laugh and remembered that I always loved that show growing up. I found myself humming that little TV melody.
I got a spot right next to Walter who owns the ceramic coating business.
The Campground also had showers and a Laundromat. It also had a pressure hose for washing Spirit, perfect!!
It wasn’t too expensive either, only $14, so I couldn’t complain, but I knew that I couldn’t afford to do this every night. I would never make it to Labrador that way.

I pitched my tent and strung a line to hang up my muddy raingear.
Then off to the shower I went.
I had been able to pay with American dollars, and she had given me $6 Canadian back. The one dollar coin is called a loony!!
Anyway, it’s a loony for a shower so I jumped in and put the coin in the slot. Nice hot water was pouring down on me, heaven!!! After shampooing my hair I put in conditioner, and got myself all soaped up when clunck……. The water stopped…….
Here I was soaking wet and no water to rinse off.
I could have sworn she told me the slower was 10 minutes!!! Turns out you only get three minutes for a loony, and I was out of loonies.
My little towel was not big enough to wrap around me, so I quickly dried off the soap, and put my clean clothes on. The laundry was next door, and the machine that changed bills to coins as well. I got myself another 5 loonies.
As I was there I saw a sign saying the cutoff time for starting a new load was 8:30. Looking at the clock I saw it was 8:32. Sh…t!!!
So I ran in the shower stall, got my dirty clothes and put them in the washer. I looked around me for the soap machine, no soap.
There was a guy doing laundry and he told me the soap was in the office, but she was closed now. He was very sweet and handed me one of those soap balls to put in the machine. After the laundry got started I got back in the shower and got the conditioner out of my hair and the soap of my body.
Then I had to figure out where to get more Canadian money as I had not enough left to dry my clothes. There was a lady in front of the Laundromat who traded me a Canadian fiver for a US one. It was 10 by the time I was done and back in my tent.
After heating up some dinner and eating it, I crawled into my sleeping bag and crashed, or at least tried to. Looked like I would need my earplugs one more time, as there was an RV or something across the road making a bunch of noise. Then I did sleep.
I pretty much spend all Friday morning cleaning Spirit at the carwash site, and cleaning the bags in the bathroom. Afterward I rode to town to find a bank. I changed my $316 into Canadian and ended up with $335. That was kinda cool.
I also found the library and tried for half an hour to cancel my car insurance at Geico. Those suckers have set it up in such a way that you have to call them!! Crap, I didn’t have phone that worked in Canada, and my Canadian cell phone it turns out, no longer has a working sim card.
I guess until I get one I’ll just have to keep paying for a car I no longer have.
I also tired to upload my photos to photobucket, but the internet in Dawson was just too slow.
I found Mark’s campsite but no Mark, and as I didn’t really know anyone, nor knew what some of the ADVers that had gone to Dawson looked like, I went back to the campsite to relax and have dinner.
It had been a nice and sunny day, and all my washed gear was dry!
I had not purchased a banquet dinner as I found $20 a bit much for a potato and some salad, but around 8 I went back to town to see where the meeting was. A tourist gave me directions to where everyone was, as I had no idea where the banquet would be held.
I took a few pics on the way

Masonic temple

The road was lined with bikes

Spirit right in front
As I got there I found Mark, and also saw Dave S again whom I had met in Spokane at the start of my year on the road. He didn’t have a place to stay yet, so I told hime about my camp site, and that he was more than welcome to share it.
I sat next to Mark while the prize drawing went on, but I felt really out of touch and disconnected from all the happenings around me.
I did enquire about a road I wanted to ride, but no one knew about it or had ridden it.
After the banquet was done the games started in front of the Motel.

I think I was on of the few in riding gear as most stayed in town and walked there
One race was called the slow race, and the slowest person would win

Mark was number 8 and he had to show everyone what to do before the “race” started

Off they went!

in another race you were blinded with a hood, and had to go straight toward a plate on the ground listening to the audience tell you when to stop.
The goal was to stop as close as possible to the plate
After that were slaloms, and then guys had to partner up with a gal on the back. She had the job of biting into a hanging hot dog. Yeah, rather gross as they didn’t change the dog at each attempt. I wondered if they had vegie dogs.
The games ended right at midnight when people stood in line to get their D2D sticker. I couldn’t believe I had made it that late, as I was falling asleep around 9.
Luckily the sweet couple from Vanessa’s camp ground was there to talk to, and also on guy from Whitehorse who talked about obesity, diet, cancer, sunblock and all the ways to get sick from food etc. Very interesting fellow, but I hope he goes back on the diet he was so enthusiastic about, because he was getting a tad heavy too.
I couldn’t find Dave S to say goodbye, so I followed Mark to his campsite, he gave me one of the blue D2D stickers.
We said goodbye, and I rode back to the campground.
I was so eager to get my sticker on my fender, that I didn’t even bother to look at what it said. As a result I have two of the same lines stuck underneath each other. Awwww, why hadn’t I waited till the morning when I was a tad more awake?
I slept very well that night.
It rained during the night, but it stopped early in the morning.

Looks like it was finally summer! The Fireweed is starting to bloom
I took my sweet time packing up, and headed to town to get paper towels and fill up the gas tank.
One really good thing about Canada, they have dark chocolate Bounty!!! Yippee!!
Finally it was time to head south, and boy, this time I did not take the chance to get cold, so I wore my really nice thick woolen sweater which made me overheat while in town, but which turned out to be awesome while riding!
As I no longer had heated grips, I ended up putting my woolen handmade mittens inside my too large leather mittens form last year. The result was some nice toasty hands!! The only drawback was that I couldn’t take any photos while riding this way, so my right hand ended up wearing the leather glove I had bought in Fairbanks at the BMW dealer not as warm, but ok.
The road toward Carmack was very quiet, only a few cars heading the opposite way, and a handful of bikers.
I took a break at a rest stop on the side of the road.
While eating my Bounty I noticed lots of “wild life”

This shot turned out better than I had hoped!!
The road got even quieter afterward, and after I took another break in a small town I realized that I wouldn’t make it to Carmack, I was just too tired.
I then realized that I really hadn’t been able to take a day off in a really long time.
First work, then fixing Spirit on time, then cleaning the garage and having a yardsale, and finally the fun but tiring trek to Tok and Dawson.
I was due for some R&R!!
I kept riding for a little while longer when I noticed a small dirt road veering off the left, a minute later that same road popped up again, a loop!!
I slowed down and spun my bike around to go back and check it out. It was a short easy dirt road, but no place to camp, until I was almost back to the main road. There it was, the perfect spot!! Close enough to the road in case I ran into trouble, but hidden enough for some solitude.
The place felt perfect!
I pitched my tent up and charged my solar battery as the sun was shining bright

I was a happy camper!!!
Only once in a while a car would pass, but other than that it was really quiet.
As I lied in my tent relaxing listening to the birds chipper away, I realized that this was it, riding and enjoying doing nothing, total bliss!!
I am trying now to live each day to the fullest, not caring if or when I run out of money or what to do when that happens, I will face it then, right now, I am happy and content.
And while lying there, being content, I realized something else!
I was not worried about whether or not I was allowed to camp here, I had finally gotten to a point of I don’t care, and no longer felt guilty or imagined someone coming up to me and tell me to pack it and leave.
I have no words to describe the lightness that comes with being this way.
The next day I decided to stay there, it was Sunday after all, and the chance of Telus being closed on Sunday was to big for me to ride to White Horse.
I spent the day reading, knitting and……….. I actually drew something!
I had been carrying this little faux leather bound sketchbook with me for months, planning on drawing a lot. Now I want to see if I can make myself sketch something little once a day. Today’s sketch took me way too long, shows you how out of touch I am. But all in all it didn’t come out half bad.

I also typed up my RR up to now and ate heartily all day
I really did not want to go to White Horse to begin with, but I think my dad will appreciate being able to call me once in a while.
I also wanted to get another canister of gas for my stove.
The bummer is that when I’m done I have to go North again to Carmack, as I really wanted to ride the road to Ross and then Watson Lake
I got up at 8 this morning, having slept great!!
I took a while eating breakfast and packing, and was out of there by 11.
The road to White Horse was quiet and beautiful!
I did have one exciting moment!!!!
I saw a grizzly bear right on the road !!
As I road toward it it just stood there and looked at me, did not move at all, so I slowed down just a tad, I didn’t want to hit him/her.
I veered left, the bear did the same, I veered right and he followed my move. Meanwhile I was like 20 feet away, punching my brakes as I really did not wan to crash into a grizzly. At about 10 feet the bear turned and ran down the slope!! I past him/her within feet!! Absolutely gorgeous animal, shiny brown coat and what movements, I could see the muscles ripple under the fur.
No time to take a picture though, had to keep my hands on the handlebars for that one!!
I am in White Horse now, it too me hours to set up my new sim card, the internet is so slow, and I kept running into trouble.
It’s almost 8 now and the camping store is closed. I am going to have to camp nearby and come back in the morning, as I am low on fuel for my stove. Bummer!!