I don't know what direction this report will go in. I'm not trying to achieve anything or prove anything. I have no where to go or any time to be there. I don't know where i will or wont end up. And I couldn't be happier!
Hi I'm UnderCoat and am currently backpacking around Asia. I was in a Singapore hostel when I decided to check what countries it would be best to buy a bike in turns out its Malaysia which is only a bridge away. I have always wanted to do a big bike tour some where in the world.
So I did.
With the Malaysian bike I can get in to Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. I’m not sure about Burma (or whatever it’s called) and I think Vietnam is doubtful as well. I brought the bike in KL from Kok motor (hehe) spent way too much on it. I ended up getting a new Yamaha FZ 150i because I wanted an actual bike not a scooter. Mostly because that’s what I am used to and the scooters I test rode just didn’t feel right. I think this is important in the traffic over here. I’m paranoid about it getting stolen so I got an alarm installed and also have a cable lock and a fork lock. because selling it may be my getting back to Australia money.

I chose the black over the white colour because the white one looks amazing and I didn’t want it to stand out too much.
I brought my gear at the same time at a different place Sunny Cycle just off the top of the Monorail a short walk from Titiwangsa station (hehe titi wangs). They have a pretty good selection there. I brought a full face Helmet, Gloves, jacket (with all the padding) and knee/shin pads. I couldn’t find any pants that fit. Which I am not happy about, I’m a firm believer in kneecaps going inside the knee. I also brought a massive canvas Yamaha rain coat.
As far as bags go I brought a big 65L dry bag called ‘Splash defender’ which is the worst name ever for a dry bag. That I keep my 40L back pack inside and strap to the back seat. Took my ages to find a camping store that was open. I also brought a smaller dry bag I thought I could strap to the tank. As far as other stuff gos I only really brought a map book of Malaysia all my other gear is my backpacking stuff.

I switched that Tank dry bag for an actual tank bag when I got to Melaka I needed something easier to access.
My previous touring experience.
- 3 day trip to ride the Great Alpine Road. Went 300km in the wrong direction almost left the state.
- Rode from Melbourne to Perth. 7 days. Didn’t oil the chain once had to replace chain and sprocket.
Omg I’m going to get lost and die

. Both trips done on a naked 250 Hyosung gt.
Any way on to the trip!
Well not much of a trip so far I only went 150 km from KL to Melakka and took the freeway almost the entire way. Taking it easy as I start off with.
Navigating my way out of KL wasn’t as hard as I thought but that is probably just luck. Riding the free way over here on a low cc bike/scooter you stick to the left (outside lane) and treat the breakdown lane as a bike lane. I stayed in the lane next to it moving in to the breakdown lane to overtake(undertake?) and to get out the way of buses. Drivings not too bad over here every one is very bike aware which is a nice change from Australia where drivers are generally arseholes. The car drivers here are also hesitant about brutally running you over if you are going too slow or make a mistake, which is neat.
Got to melakka ok and managed to find my way to where my hostel should have been. But after about an hour and with the help of two nice locals I found the address but it was just some apartment. Not sad I didn’t stay there I don’t think it was the best area to keep a bike. I found a place to stay that night and a cheaper dorm to stay in afterwards.
Melaka’s a pretty nice place good food around. If you come here go to Pak Putra Restaurant and try the tandoori chicken it’s the best meal I have ever had. Ever!

Pak Putra Restaurant if you go to Melaka and don’t eat here you don’t deserve to be happy!
Some pics of Melaka.

Night market.

View from the top of a hill with a church ruin on it.

More food! I eat breakfast here most days. Low yong mow open till noon.

How could I not?

Some fort ruins from around town.
More to come I’m still trying to work out my next route. Hope my horrific grammar was not too unbearable.