It has been a harrowing week or so, and I have to admit that I am starting to feel my age!

Only three more weeks of work, and boy how does that saying go, The last mile is the longest?? Feel like I am running out of gas most of the time!
I told my manager that I was leaving……….. I'm sure they didn't like that. Already 5 other employees gave notice and I know 2 more will do so within the next week! Some found better paying jobs, and some are moving to the mainland.
That place is going to be run by noobs pretty soon!
Yesterday and today was my first weekend off in a long time! I was too tired to do much yesterday, but I did manage to sew a window into my tent shed, and I painted a second coat on my fenders and fairing, and a third coat on other parts.
I'm going to have a very trippy looking bike, you'll now be able to see me coming from a mile away, there will be no doubt that it's me!
Today I faired a little better as far as energy went. I took the tire off in no time!! Scary how well I can do this now…..

cleaned the rim somewhat, still have more to do, and I got some steel wool to tackle the brake disk.
I had ordered new bearings and silly me, had no idea that those things didn't just pop out!
So, as I don't have a bearing extractor gadget, nor a heating gun, I'm going to see if Darrin or Dave have either one.

removed the oil pump and found out unfortunately that the "new" oil pump I had been carrying with me for so long, might be in worse shape that my old one! I'll take it apart soon and see.
I was a little proud of myself today though………. I figured out how to remove the seal and the needle bearing from the case where the clutch thingy goes in.

The seal was kinda hard, and I ended up utterly mutilating it, but the bearing came out smooth after I found a bolt with the perfect size head. I slipped it in and with the use of washers, a nut and a wrench I was able to pull it out of the socket.
I did a few other things and then went to do laundry and grocery shopping. Yeah, not that much accomplished today, but once the oil pump is back on and the engine closed, I will feel a lot better. Then comes the task of taking the top off and checking the valve clearance, yea, not my favorite thing to do either!!
Finally got around to make an appointment at the dentist. I sure hope it won't cost me all I've saved!! Having dental now will help, but I've got no idea what the Fairbanks rates are for dental services!! The optometrist rates were staggering!
Got my glasses but have to send them back, they installed one of the lenses backward!!

Makes me wonder!!!!!