So i did it.
I bought a Yamaha XTZ 660 -93.
Went to the local "MC school (thank you "Böna) where they changed oil, filter, tyres and bearings.
Asked my boss for 1 weeks vaccation, packed the bike, and on the 10 of september I went off.
I took the RV 50 from "Nykyrka" to "Söderhamn" where I rented a cabin for the night, a short stint, about 430km.
Next day I took the E4 to "Kalix", 730 km, where I found a room for the night.
Monday morning, headed for Norway, after a lots of rain I came to a small village called "Skaidi" (640km), it was getting dark and I saw a hotel sign, went in and asked for a room, it cost 950 Nkr, but I was tired and wet so I stayed the night.
Next morning, after a very good breakfast at the hotel I went looking for at petrol station, and what did I see, 200 meter from the hotel was an bed and breakfast located at the petrol station, it cost money not to look around.
After I filled my bike I went for the "Cape", only 150km left, it was the shotest stint of all I done, but it was the hardest, when I come north of "Honningsvåg" it started get windy on the way up I road mostly on the hillside, so it was not so "scary".
When I came up to the "Cape" I had a lot of trouble finding somewhere to put the bike so it not would be turned over by the wind.
On the parking lot it was me and four cars, so it was not crowded.
On the way down things get more scary, I had to lean to the right against the wind so much I even could, even then the bike tried to go to the wrong side of the road, my speed was about 50 km/h, slower and I had blown down the the hillside, I was in third gear and tried to give it a bit more throttle to see if it get better when i felt the front wheel began to lift from the ground, it was very scary, after an exhausting half hour I was down on lower grounds.
My way home is not much to write about, all went well and I came home late thursday evening.
A couple of days later I traded the XTZ for an Bullet 500 -99, so now I have 2 Bullets in my workshop.
It is some pictures on
XTZ 660 Motala to Nordkapp and back!
If anyone wonder why I did it, it is because I can do it and Norway is a wonderful country. (maybe not at its best in september)