Roaming the Blue Mountians...Part 3
10th January. One of my last rides as a resident of the Blue Mountains. Jan and I had been up at my place sorting through some of my things. I am preparing to move in with Jan up on the Central Coast.
Sunday morning dawned with an amazing sunrise. The air was clear. All setting the scene for a good ride of around 230 kilometres.
We would head west first to Mt Victoria. Then over to the Bells Line of Road. Down to Windsor for lunch at Stir Crazy and have our fave Singapore Noodles. Back roads past Scheyville National Park through to Berowra Waters ferry. Then up the Old Pac to Gosford area.
Most of these roads have been written about on my blog before. I will not bore you all over again. What I would like to show you some photos from several places that have such stunning views.
A small dirt road turn off just before the heavy vehicle checking station between Katoomba and Mt Victoria.
There are so many little villages and hamlets hidden away in the mountains. On such place we found was Mt Wilson. We saw a sign in the distance pointing to the left off the Bells Line of Road. Yelling over the BM engine we decided to go and explore and see where this sign took us.
The road is very tight and rough. Treat it with care and it is a fun road to ride. Not only does the road change. From rough running alone a ridge line to dropping down into a rain forest with some very slow speed hairpins. So too does the vegetation. From brush and gums to rainforest. All in about eight kilometres.
Mt Wilson from what we saw is just a few houses and a few signs saying there are cafes ahead. Not that I saw any cafes. What we did find was a little dirt road leading down to unfenced lookout. What an amazing view it was too.
It was so hot by the time we got to Windsor for lunch. Then on to the Central Coast and straight into the pool to cool off. There is nothing like going for a ride on a hot day and then having a pool to come home to to soak the heat away.
I am leaving the Blue Mountains. I will be back to ride her roads again.
Last edited by FUTURE; 24 Jan 2010 at 22:26.