Mennonites - Bolivia
31 Jan 2015
Or just read it on the webpage
Tales from the Saddle Website
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Intro.....The story so far....
I left home alone on my Yamaha YBR 125 five years ago, and I still remember well the fears and anxieties of the long journey ahead, to Cape Town first. Having not ridden a motorcycle the thought of simply getting a puncture was terrifying. I've had 76 punctures now....My story is not the best, nor the most daring, but it is mine and I want to share it....
The photos too, are not the best but I hope they are honest and if any are spectacular it is just because of the greatness of the people and the places....and I've to be fair, I've had a LOT of practise!
This write up is just a copy of what began as a fairly standard blog. It has evolved a little to a story more for people who like to sit down and read. Whilst I love photography, I don't think that photos can tell the story (unless there is no story), Photos can certainly help least, this is my opinion....I hope that you enjoy the write up....This below is what I wrote initially so long ago.....
got shot at in Turkey,

interrogated by the military on Christmas eve in Syria,
tailed and arrested in Egypt (who isn't though!),
crossed Ted Simons Atbara Desert in Sudan,
underwent surgery in Kenya,
accused of being a cow thief in Tanzania,

Crossed still-flooded flood plains in Zambia,
Enjoyed the delights of Namibia,
before finally reaching my goal after eleven months; Table Mountain, Cape Town.
All of this, alone, on a small budget, on a Yamaha YBR 125.
And its not over yet! Now I'm in the Americas, currently Mexico and heading can read about it here (soon, when Ive written it!) but also see the website
Tales from the Saddle - Solo Motorcycle Tour Around the World on a Yamaha YBR 125 where there are a myriad of photos, tasty tales and the ubiquitous map with a line on it.

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I hope that some people find enjoyment in reading about it, and if not tell me why as Id like to improve my writing and photography too so please give me some pointers as Id really appreciate them!
Until later,