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Photo by Sean Howman, The Pamir highway in an unseasonably cold late October, Tajikistan

I haven't been everywhere...
but it's on my list!

Photo by Sean Howman,
The Pamir highway in an unseasonably
cold late October, Tajikistan

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Old 25 Jul 2012
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Talking Tyre Therapy

Early (ish) the next morning, we're heading out with Thelma's wheel. I didn't really have the money to get a new one- especially as this one had only been on six weeks, however, Justin had unearthed one that was buried in his pile of old but useable tyres in his backyard so we went to his place.

Harold gave a hand as well, I think my role at this point was providing the moral support

Justin's parrot Five Oh, came out to inspect the work

OK, I hadn't had a chance to brush my hair very well that morning, but I didn't think it was THAT bad, Five Oh had other ideas and whilst Justin was finishing off, the parrot was crawling around in my hair and quite happily making a nest in there- look closely below and you'll see him.

New tyre on and we were off- HUGE thanks to Justin for his help and for the tyre.

Harold and I were going riding, he led the way on his F800GS

we swapped bikes for a while

I think I got the better end of the deal, although it was a stretch to reach the ground

Oregon is a beautiful part of the world to ride in

We went through Fandango Canyon, heading south to Summer Lake. Eventually getting there quite late in the day..in fact it was dark and I couldn't see much. But we did manage to find Harold's family who had arrived earlier and set up camp, they had a fire going and dinner ready. We were at the hot springs at Summer Lake, and the air temperature was somewhat on the chilly side, my feet were cold so I headed to the bath house, luckily the kids had warned me about the sign they had seen above the hot pool- "Clothing Optional After 9pm"
The sight of a couple of naked middle-aged guys didn't deter me as I advanced in full bike gear to the edge of the pool, removed my bike boots and socks and warmed my feet in the water.

The next morning, in the beautiful sunshine we had a soak in the outdoor pool- I like the ones that are natural like this

Harold doing his best Jack Nicholson impression

A final dip in the hot springs- this time trying out the indoor pool, and ensuring it was a clothing compulsory time slot

then out on the road again, through northern Oregon and into south eastern Washington where I lucked out big time with my camp spot - tucked away so no-one knew I was there, green grass and not one...

...but two snow-topped mountains to gaze at and admire

as I sat outside my tent drinking my morning cup of tea

One of those blissful moments when life is so good and it's great to be on the road (and no mountain lions or bears in the night either).
Time to take photos of flowers

and, once I hit the tarmac again, appreciate the humour (for me anyway) of the credit, debit or tribal option on the petrol pump

On the road from...I'm not sure any more

Last edited by Tiffany; 25 Jul 2012 at 04:49. Reason: sometimes life needs a little tweaking
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Old 25 Jul 2012
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Thelma is so famous

Tiffany ...look what I found in the internet ..... I guess you can run, but can't hide ...Thealma is very famous

One day I will see you on the road ....sometime ...somewhere


GS Giant's Adventure Track Competition (Link below)

GS Giant's Adventure Track Competition | Facebook

Pictures are from Facebook

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Old 27 Jul 2012
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Talking GS Riding

Hi Cenair
thanks for that- although I'm on someone's big screen work computer and it was a bit much to see my face in close up without warning!!

yep folks, Tiffany Coates has entered the 21st Century and is now on FaceBook
On the road from...I'm not sure any more
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Old 11 Aug 2012
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Talking Canadian Capers

arrived in the land of Mounties and Bears to a more mundane pastime

I was staying with friends and helped to mow their lawn
Thelma also needed a bit of attention, some of the dirt trails in Oregon had snapped part of the pannier rack- still using the old one at this point in case you're wondering...."Didn't she get a new one??"
My friend Grant accompanied me to the nearest welding place and did that Blokey thing of going in through the back door and approach the nearest welder who for a few bucks set to work

Possiblythe most high-tech welder that Thelma has ever seen.
Back to work Coates with more lawns to mow....

And then some time to socialise, I went to the Horizons Unlimited meeting where I met up with Miquel Silvestre

a Spanish bike rider who is going around the world, he had just shipped his bike into Vancuver from the Philippines.

He's on a mission to follow in the footsteps of the more obscure Spanish Explorers who ventured overseas in centuries past.
He has made several short films whilst on the road which are on YouTube and are worth watching, he's also a very entertaining speaker, here's his website
and then I spotted the strangest Mounties I have ever seen

More about those later
On the road from...I'm not sure any more
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Old 11 Aug 2012
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Talking Back in the USA

Having completed all the lawn-mowing and pasty-making, it was time to ride south after heading north for the last few weeks. I would have liked to spend more time in beautiful British Columbia, there's a lot to see and enjoy there, and I have previously crossed it south to north as well as west to east on Thelma but although I may be ambling through America, I am on a bit of a schedule this time.
Once more another grilling at US Immigration as I re-entered- as well as being told off for going through the "Documents Ready" lane- huh Apparently this lane is only for people who have special ID cards that can be computer scanned- the guy was not impressed with the Brit rolling up with her passport AND on a foreign registered bike! An hour later I've convinced them I'm not THAT dodgy Tiffany Coates AGAIN (see earlier in this blog) and I'm through once more, to be greeted by all the signs for cheap petrol in the land of opportunity...and what's this?? Cheap butter as well by all accounts. Apparently it's much cheaper in the US and lots of Canadians buy their dairy products south of the border.
A steady ride got me to THE place to be in Seattle on a Friday night...

The George and Dragon pub where they'd been tracking my progress via my website and had a pint of ready for me. My host for the next few days (looking like he's behind bars in the pub car park!!)

Mick Vallantine from Vallantine Motorworks- an independent BMW specialist
He's a Brit I've known for years, since the Alaska to Tierra Del Fuego trip Thelma and I did 10 years ago.
Leaving Thelma in safe hands, so I could have a couple of drinks, the evening ended with some Tiff Coates Travel Tips
1) How to let yourself into someone's house when you don't have the key

Yep, that's right, just crawl through the dog flap- using a good deal of persuasion and pushing, I managed to get Bill through this particular dog flap (Yanks call them doggie doors!)
The next morning was a working day and so it was a morning commute wth the push bikes, dog and Mick with his coffeee in hand...

A bloke who can multi-task
On the road from...I'm not sure any more
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Old 11 Aug 2012
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Exclamation Strange Goings on in Seattle

remember that picture of those strange looking Mounties?

Due to the economic recession, it looks like they've had to trade in their horses for bicycles and the uniforms aren't quite as smart as they used to be, then look more closely and you'll see that actually they are naked!!
It's all body paint.
Yep, folks...America, a country not known for its tolerance of nudity (I've never seen a topless woman on a beach here) had a festival parade which consisted of naked or nearly naked people riding bicycles.
here are a few of the more tasteful pictures

and in case you missed them first time, they rode and skated past several times!
I had to retire to the pub for a drink to settle my nerves after that.
On the road from...I'm not sure any more
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Old 11 Aug 2012
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Exclamation North West Exploits

Dog walking around the lake was a daily occurence

Temperatures are a bit different to my previous visit, same spot in winter

This blinged up gorilla followed me home from the Fremont Festival (preferabe to a naked man painted as a tree though)

and I decided not to share the following picture with my Mum...

Over to the Olympia peninsula to visit the nice people at Gerbing Heated clothing and to thank them as my jacket and gloves were an absolute lifesaver in Tibet last year

and then I got the ferry back to Seattle

Eating a meal, Korean style...

I'd been invited out by local Korean riders in Seattle, Karl Park and his friends, and what a feast it was

Hmm, maybe I should have done my hair first. I even risked the kimchi (very spicy stuff).

Many thanks to Karl and his friends for the great evening and fantastic food, for those of you concerned about the fish on the table..no, I didn't eat them!

The following night I gave a talk at AltRider,
AltRider: Venture On
between us we drew a great crowd and what an evening it was- it's a little-known scientific fact that the Q&A session is decidedly more interesting when a keg of has been consumed.
A big thank you to Jeremy, Rhianna, Lucy and also Eric the long-suffering sound guy and button presser for a fab night.
On the road from...I'm not sure any more
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Old 23 Aug 2012
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First stop was Portland where I stayed with friends and helped out at the Women's Training Day at the fire station (my friend is a fire fighter)

I mainly watched and took photos

And from a sunny Portland, I reached a rainy Oakridge, just east of Eugene (hummming bird in the rain)

where they were holding the Tynda Burning Moto Man Rally.

Eric getting things ready

And here is the famous Moto Man...before he is burnt

On the road from...I'm not sure any more
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Old 23 Aug 2012
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Talking Tynda Moto Burning Man

A great gathering of people, various travellers from different countries and they even let a few Yanks in. As always, the Aussies were the most vocal contingent
The event is hosted and organised by Eric and Gail Hawes (RTW motorcyclists), this amazing couple rode to Madagan back in the early 90's! They play host to many travellers making their way across the Americas and they get their visitors to leave a sign on one of their signposts

Looking at the various signs, it was like a Who's Who of world travellers, a visitors' book with a difference.

I found one bloke examining Thelma

And then he showed me his handiwork, he had replaced Thelma's missing engine peep hole cover (there's probably a more technical name for it- any nerds reading this and want to respond, feel free). I didn't even get his name, but he used one off his own bike, which was a side car outfit...

Meanwhile someone else was getting to grips with Thelma's "pink bit"

First of all removing the offensive 100 decal and then making it black.

The riverside cheese and wine was popular albeit somewhat soggy

The sun was shining for the breakfast pancakes, as cooked by a colourful character

People gathered around eating them as fast as he coud cook

Thelma as always, providing a suitable flat surface for eating off

we had several talks and presentations, this was one from Ramey "Coach", who was talking to us about correct bike riding position...hmmm, there's a lot to think about

On the road from...I'm not sure any more
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Old 23 Aug 2012
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Exclamation Tynda Dry

It started raining again, the rain gear was imaginative, varied and colourful

Trying to avoid the rain, we went to the local pub (any excuse to go to the pub), I enjoyed the notice in the window...do they know something that we don't??

I also enjoyed their suggested items to include in an emergency kit

I like the idea of the comfort/stress foods.

And then it got dark, it had stopped raining - what perfect timing, and we were able to enjoy the bonfire

On the road from...I'm not sure any more
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Old 23 Aug 2012
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Smile Just Call Me Da Vinci

The next morning was clear and bright, Eric and Gail said I couldn't leave until I had added my own sign to their signpost. Feeling a burst of inspiration, I grabbed the paint pots and set to work...

Thelma is doing her bit first

a bit more yellow paint

Then I started getting heckled by the Aussies

Thelma in action

Meanwhile, not wanting to be outshone Ken and Carol, the Aussies started working on their own sign,

their R80G/S has done over 400,000 miles!

I started my part of the sign

Whilst I was outin the sunshine, Thelma was being inspected in the garage

The finished product

And then the Aussies turned up with theirs!

On the road from...I'm not sure any more
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Old 24 Aug 2012
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Great trip

Great job of updating, I really enjoy the photos. If you are every riding through Kyrgyzstan look us up in Sukuluk, just outside of Bishkek. Get to our one and only stop light and and head toward the mountains, or just ask where the Americans live and everyone knows us.
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Old 27 Aug 2012
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Go the Aussies.
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Old 27 Aug 2012
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Hi Tiffany!
Dig'n the pic's and the story's down here in the south of TX......keep em coming
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Old 27 Aug 2012
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Talking The 'Stans

Originally Posted by Mac-1769 View Post
Great job of updating, I really enjoy the photos. If you are every riding through Kyrgyzstan look us up in Sukuluk, just outside of Bishkek. Get to our one and only stop light and and head toward the mountains, or just ask where the Americans live and everyone knows us.
Hi Mac
you happen to live in my favourite 'Stan, and so yes, I will definitely be back there at some point, just not sure when that might be. I'm lucky enough to have been there twice by bike and loved it.
On the road from...I'm not sure any more
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