Beautiful roads, but we had to be careful because there were goats on the road ...
8 hours and a half to arrive, because just after departure started raining, then we had to stop three times because hailing.
After a bridge at one point the road was interrupt, I thought an error
I went back and the bridge over which we passed was blocked by 2 cars of Croatian police.
They said "You can not go, you go back" and we "But beyond the
path is interrupted, we can not go back. "
The ground on the road was a landslide that had just occurred, poor Garmin,
it was not guilty! : D
Waiting for the ferry finally came good weather
M Tech waterproof overalls held very well, are the € 50 equipment that I've spent the better.
The tank bag take a bit of water...
The Granpasso through the mirror
Head north on the island of Cres there is a recovery center of Griffin, built in a old Italian school.
Griffon vultures are scavengers, so they are fed with carcasses
This is the way to the center of griffins
This is Osor, a village near our campsite, it is the middle between the two islands.
Shipyard in Nerezine
This road leads to a beach that is far south of Losinj.
There are not many tourists, it is south of the industrial area of Losinj.
When I returned the next day, climbing at low speed with the bike cold, the bike turn off and we fell among the rocks.
Nothing happened to me and my bike (thanks Touratech), but my girl has been cut deep into his knee by a rock.
The crazy thing was that her jeans were perfectly intact!
I took her to the emergency room of Losinj, two steaches and lets go!
I had to do alcohol test and go to the police station.
The police took photos of the Granpasso and commented "Incredible, the bike is intact!" : Mrgreen:
The beach

The way home was fast because the weater was good.