1st Big Bike Trip - Himalaya's
Hi everyone,
Thanks for your time and responses, if you respond.
Myself and acouple of friends have been sucked into the idea of doing a trip to the Himalayas in June 2025.
We plan to arrive in Delhi on the 30th May, early in the morning and making our way up to Manali.
Intending then from the 1st June (ish) jumping on some hired bikes and heading off into the Himalayas for 5/6 days of riding.
This is the part where you guys come in with your experiences!
Where do we go?
Where do you recommend staying?
Places to see?
Places where you are good to go to but think could do with sometime to stop appreciate it rather than a quick stop?
Places to avoid?
All of us have experience riding for 10 plus years and some off road riding so any particular areas where you need to be an elite level off road rider to avoid?
We need to be back in Delhi for the 7th June to fly home.
Please feel free to spam the hell out of this chat with anything you guys think we need to plan for, any idea on daily budget for food / accommodation etc.
It all is very new to us but we are eager to get it all planned but also want the freedom of not putting any pressure on ourselves to hit certain deadlines.