3 Months July onwards Eastern Europe/Russia/Stans poss
I'm taking some time away from work this year and are planning on spending 3 months on the bike around Eastern Europe and possibly into the Stans, have a look at these maps- they are more a list of countries to visit rather than a defined route.
I'm planning on Leaving the Uk early July and getting back early (ish) October. I've done a fair bit of touring around Western Europe (France & Spain mostly) and a little bit of Eastern Europe. This trip will be spending time in Germany & countries Eastwards. I'd like to get into Russia and if plans work out some of the Stans as per the maps.
I'm hoping to be staying in hostels/hotels all the way, more hostels than hotels though to keep costs down.
I've considered camping and although not completely out of the planning options it's something I've not done for a very very long time. I wonder if all the hassle of carrying the extra kit really outweighs the benefits. As a novice camper I may of course be missing the point!!
I've no idea what the hostel situation is like in some of the more Eastern countries so perhaps for the Stans I would have to camp, any advice gratefully received.
Also would it be unwise to go that far without carrying the bigger spares such as tyres etc, I wouldn't know where to stop and would end up with half a bike in spares if I'm not careful......
I'll be posting here when i'm on the road looking to hook up with other travellers, so if your going to be around anywhere I may be in that time period it would be great to meet up. I'm more than happy to spend the day alone on the bike but some company for  in the evenings would be more than welcome and would help with my sanity....
So any advice from any of you seasoned travellers about my early plans?, I appreciate at this stage they are a bit general but it's a framework to build upon!!
And if anyone wants to join me you'd be more than welcome!
Thanks for reading,
A big boy did it and ran away.