A day's riding in Eastern Europe?
I'm considering a ride out to Ukraine and back next year and wondered if anyone could help with making a brief outline of the trip.
I'm looking at going through Holland, Germany, Czech Republic and either Poland or Slovakia into Ukraine. I'm then probably going to have to go 'cross country' to Kiev and, perhaps, on to Kharkiv.
I'm thinking of doing about 400 miles each day but I don't want to be riding for much more than 6 or 7 hours a day, (not including stops). I'll be sticking largely to main roads.
Can anyone tell me what sort of average speed I can expect to keep up riding in Eastern Europe? Also, how many miles a day would you imagine I'll be able to cover, stopping for the odd tourist spot and to meet the locals but not much else? I could be on my own or with another 2 or 3 bikes.
After spending 5 minutes looking at a map I've come up with the following very, very brief outline:
Tuesday: 4.30 PM - arrive into Hook of Holland. From there, use the autobahns through to Leipzig (420 miles) and stay there overnight.
Wednesday: Leipzig to Krakow (388 miles)
Thursday: Krakov to Rivne (363 miles) or Kiev (584 miles).
Friday: Rivne to Kiev (221 miles) or Kiev to Kharkiv (? miles)