There's a million great roads going down the West Coast of the US. Great roads in California are here:
It's relatively long and hot crossing from Southern California to Vegas to the Grand Canyon. A Camelpack type water carrier would be nice.
Making your way to New Orleans will probably mean Texas. There's good and bad about traveling through Texas. Well wait, that's actually good and bad about the whole world.
American animals aren't bad. Armadillos in Texas and crazy deer everywhere. It's not as bad as Australia with the kangaroos, wombats and unfenced cattle and sheep. I've only hit a deer in a car, not on a bike so your roadkill methods may vary.
I've never rented a bike but it's cheaper to buy a good used one. You get the worries about reliability but most newer bikes are reliable.
Trying to ride (and work) my way round the world on a 1965 Ducati 250cc. Australia, New Zealand and Japan are first.