Amsterdam to Sydney
I'm planning a motorcycle trip from Amsterdam to Sydney. Originally planned for 2019 or so but I might (if still feasible) already want to start next spring/summer due to (maybe) changing job situations etc. At first I wanted to drive to Cape Town but over time driving to Australia caught my interest more and more :-)
Anyway, I'm still unsure about which route to take through the middle east and east Asia.
I'm inclined to somewhat follow this guy: (Larger Map) as in Europe to Turkey to the Middle East.
The part I'm worried/unsure about is getting from Turkey to Thailand. Do I go through Iran, Pakistan, India or do I go around it and go to Russia and "The Stans". After The Stans, do I go through Pakistan into India, Nepal and Myanmar (is Myanmar even a smart option?) or should I go through China?
I've heard others say China wasn't that great, also because of the (expensive) guide they force on you but it looks like it's pretty much unavoidable on a trip like this.
I'm struggling to find up to date information about getting from Europe to Oz so all help is welcome  . Also people who have done this in the last 12 months, do you have links/maps/stories/videos about the route and/or border crossings you took?