Parting out bikes can take time. And the fact is ... not many KLR's blow up their motor or break a frame. Some components may sell ... eventually. But others won't be salable in the foreseeable future. How long are you (or your friends) willing to wait? Everybody wants a deal ... so price may not be what you imagine ... you won't get even close to MSRP prices, nor should you.
I've parted out two bikes and still have parts I can't sell years later. Certain items go quick ... others will never sell. And this was in the USA with constant contact with Forums and running ads for almost a year. I did well, but didn't get rich, but it took a year ... and still have lots of stuff left.
money is the object ... much better to find a way to get the bike running, on the road and OUT of Argentina (somehow? :confused1

Not so easy, I know, but parting the bike may not be easy either.

(nor profitable)
If someone needed a new top end or complete head, that would be good.
Or if someone needed a Stator, Wheel, Starter Motor, wiring harness or CDI unit, that would be good to. Those are the hot parts that DO sell quickly. But then what? Add up those parts. Worth it?
What about the frame, swing arm, Bottom end of the motor .. and about 1000 other bits and pieces? Fact is, not many riders will need them and won't buy them for spares either. Used parts are Cheap and common n Ebay.
Look how many NEW generation KLR's end up down there, selling for cheap prices. 1st generation KLR are fading away now. Will take another 5 years ... but most riders are now buying the Post '08 version.
Javier at Dakar motos has a shop and deals with foreign bikes in BA constantly. I'm sure you know about his business. Maybe you can make a deal there? Travelers go there for help, he is well known, he stores bikes, does repair work and helps travelers with shipping in/out of Argentina.
So who knows, maybe something can be worked out?