Avoiding Afghanistan
Hi there,
We plan to drive to Oz in our landy, leaving the UK April/May/June time.
One of our definites on our list to get to is China (we're prepared for the paper work and finance involved), and particulary Tibet (no political comment meant here).
Now my wife is desperate to go via Russia and the Stans and that way. I, on the other hand want to go via Iran, Pakistan, India and Nepal.
In true married bliss fashion we have come up with a comprimise route of
Russia -> Kazakhstan -> 'Stans -> Iran -> Pakistan -> India -> Nepal -> Tibet
Which seems perfect. But I haven't seen anyone who has travelled this route. Perhaps my eyes haven't been open to this until now, but I was curious as to whether its feasible and a good route to go.
Is there any seasonal reason why this might not be possible? Are we just biting off too much at once?
We're not leaving until 2009 so plenty of time to get information, but it's all I think about
Anyway, as usual I'll be most grateful for your opinions. Any opinions welcome.