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Photo by Lois Pryce, fueling up in Tunisia

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Photo of Lois Pryce, UK
fueling up in Tunisia

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Old 2 Feb 2014
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By-passing Pakistan

I am leaving in 7 weeks time on a solo world trip. Originally I was going to go via Pakistan. Now, after several incidents with overlanders trying to get through this way, I have decided to go Via UAE to India instead. I believe I can get a ferry from Iran to UAE and then a Dhow over to India.

Does anyone have any information they can share on this route. I will be a solo female traveller. Will this also cause issues for me in UAE on a motorbike?

I appreciated any info particularly from people who have done this route.

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Old 2 Feb 2014
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Steph – we’re going in the opposite direction (east → west) and have also decided to skip Pakistan. We are temporarily back home in the UK, but will pick-up our ride again, from Nepal, starting early April. Who knows, we might even cross paths somewhere along the way.

Mumbai India to either Muscat (Oman), or Dubai, seems the likely way to go for us. It seems logical that the opposite direction should also be entirely possible.

I have looked into the seafreight Dhow option, which for my missus is a non-starter, as I understand it involves six days in an open boat with no bathroom - just a ring on the side of the gunnel! - let alone a cabin. A little rustic for most ladies (well, certainly for mine) ...

I won’t go into the risk of encountering pirates !!

Michael Palin went that way by Dhow of course in ‘Around the world in 80 Days’ - Palin's Travels: Welcome to Michael Palin's travel website

There are probably other commercial sea freighting lines, i.e. cargo / container shipping, but I am not familiar with these, although they must surely exist. Indian port authorities' notorious bureaucracy puts me off all that though.

Maybe you feel you need to go by surface travel all the way, avoiding airfreight completely if at all possible? But we are not that purist.

Therefore I am currently investigating the air cargo options. I’ve identified that there are at least three carriers that airfreight between the two regions, namely: Oman Air, Emirates and Air India. I shall be approaching all three nearer the time.

Regarding your question about travelling [solo] on a bike through Islamic states: By coincidence I was looking into this issue - the dress code aspect in particular - only yesterday, when I stumbled across some helpful guidance on the Ted Simon Foundation site - LINK. If you scroll down the page to the section entitled ‘While on the Motorcycle’ you will see that you will be riding unlawfully, at least through Iran; but as a westerner, your solo gender /travelling status, will no doubt be tolerated.

I trust this info helps a little. But please note: I'm on a voyage of discovery too! .. and I have no actual 'hands-on' experience [yet] regarding the questions you ask.

I hope others will chime in with their knowledge for the benefit of both /all of us.

Best of luck with your up-and-coming adventure

Keith [& Ellen]
Right Way Round ...

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Old 3 Feb 2014
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To be honest the only issue you may have as female rider is maybe India, usually women get harassed allot there, its not really that bad for westerners but something to think about.

Pakistan dangerous in the boulichstan region because of terrorism. If you do plan to cross it then atleast find a rider to cross with, all the journey will be escorted via polices/levies and this is a slow painful exsercise as you have to move at their pace but once you cross into like Lahore etc you shal have no issues.

The UAE pretty much Is like the west, aslong as you don't do something stupid ul be fine and people will be welcoming.

I would personally ship your bike from iran into india via air. its the easiest option but will cost more.
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Old 6 Feb 2014
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Hi Steph

I rode North Pakistan, KKH to Islamabad and Lahore into India..mostly alone

I had much less hassle from Pakistanis than Indians on the men front... they speak to you as a person and not the whole up and down xray..I don't think they'd dare mistreat a tourist.... felt fine safety wise.. the most frustrating thing about the convoys on the KKH was every police station wanted me to stop for tea and a long chat.. when I needed to be moving!

Guesthouse owners would insist that I stay in and not wonder the streets to protect my dignity, treating me like their daughters.. and would send someone to run my errands for me..

That said you don't see too many women out and about, and this was a refreshing thing to see in India.
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Old 6 Feb 2014
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Hey! I see many RTW travelers by passing Pakistan, what's going on with the bikers? Missing the world's best kept secret?
Come on guys and gals, bikers are adventurers

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Old 7 Feb 2014
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Hi there!
I am German, living in Tehran, Iran with wife and 3 kids. Lots of experience within the country. Place to host (with pool ) and contacts to local garages etc.
Besides this my wife Annette and me we plan to fly to Germany in July 2014 and return with bikes (TT600R and Ducati Monster 750 - yep, nice couple, so are we!) drive back to Tehran until August 3rd or so.

For female solo bikers Iran is quite ok as the people in general keep distance (especially to women) and are respectful and hospitable to foreigners. Of course, prudence is necessary, but, what always helps is being friendly, communicative and self-confident. Women in Iran are mainly humble and taught to be shy to others, especially men that are not members of their family. So, a (foreign) woman that shows that she is assertive, is looked at with respect.
If you wish and in case you come to Iran let us stay in contact as I am (due to my job) very well connected throughout of this huge country, so that I could help out through trustworthy people anywhere in Iran, if necessary.

Regarding Balouchestan:
it is a bit critical to go past the border in southeast Iran because of tribal territory. Friends who passed thru (with motorbikes, car, even as hitchhikers) have made it without any problems. But it needs to be considered a bit risky. On the Iranian side of the border you will be escorted by police anyhow. The issue is on the Pakistani side where there seems to be no rule of law.
One solution is to form groups of vehicles using traveller's forums in advance. In summer it's not high season so plan some time to find company.
European embassies do not give visa support for the Pakistani Embassy in Tehran, so you have to have the visas issued before.

Skipping Pakistan by flying to Dubai/Oman and then to India is an option. But so far I have no positive information regarding shipment of vehicles. It is definitively possible, but rather difficult to organize as foreigner...

Feel free to ask.
Iran is definitively worth a trip!!

Greets from snow-packed Tehran,
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Old 9 Apr 2014
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Has anyone been through Pakistan recently? what is the current security situation like?

My wife and I are planning a trip from Europe to Oz and the original route was through Pakistan but after reading a few recent negative stories my wife is worried and looking at alternative routes.

Is it really that unsafe in Pakistan or are people getting over concerned??

I would be interested to hear from anyone who has been through Pakistan recently.

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Old 11 Apr 2014
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Hi Steph, I know of two guys who're heading to Pakistan. There're still in Bulgaria and will get to Georgia in about 5 days. If you still even consider going through Pakistan and want to hook up with some other riders, I'm happy to pass your details. They seem like nice guys & I'm sure they would be happy to help you.
Jacek & Rebecca
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Old 2 Jun 2014
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Hello there
My Girlfriend and myself are leaving from Greece and via Italy and Eastern Europe we are heading in to Asia.Turkey and Iran and from there Crossing to UAE and shipping the car to Mumbai.I have contact already the Sadikally Esoofally & Co. See bellow.
If the time mach we can even share the container.
Check us out at Overland Diaries
Dear Sir,

Reference to your enquiry for shipping your vehicle from Jebel Ali, Dubai to Nhava Sheva Port, Mumbai. Please find below the quote for the same.
General Information :

Equipment : 1 x 20 Feet Container
Container Dimensions : Length = 5897mm / Width = 2348mm / Height = 2385mm
Container Door Size : Width = 2337mm / Height = 2385mm

Documents Required : Passport / Carnet De Passage / Vehicle Registration

Part 1 : Shipping from Jebel Ali, Dubai to Nhava Sheva

Our Quote Shall Include the Following :

Ocean Freight from Jebel Ali, Dubai to Mumbai Port
Export Documentation Charges
Container Transportation to and from Port
Lashing & Choking of Car in the Container
Operational Charges
Jebel Ali THC ( Terminal Handling Charges / Port Charges )
Bill Of Lading Fees
Customs Clearance Charges & Carnet Handling Charges
Agency Fees at Jebel Ali Port

Amount : USD 1150.00 ( This amount is payable in Mumbai at the time of Shipment )

Part 2 : Port Charges and Customs Clearance in Nhava Sheva Port, New Mumbai � India

Our Quote Shall Include the Following :

Shipping Company Delivery Order Fees
Indian Port Charges / Terminal Handling Charges
Import Documentation at Customs
Carnet Authentication Fees
Carnet and Passport Attestation Charges
Customs Clearance at Mumbai Port
Container Yard Charges
Container Transportation / Empty Container Relocation Charges
Our Agency Fees

Amount : USD 1150.00 ( This amount is payable in India at the time of Clearance )

Available Payment Options :

There are 3 ways of making payment to us:

1. Cash Payment - The amount can be paid in cash to us when you visit our office.

2. Credit Card Payment - We have Credit Card facility which can be used to make the total payment when you come to our office. Please note 3.5 % of the total amount will be charges as Currency Adjustment Factor and Bank Charges.

3. Bank Transfer - The amount can be transferred through Bank transfer. Please note 3.5 % of the total amount will be charges as Currency Adjustment Factor and Bank Charges.

Additional Information :

Marine Insurance @ 1.5 % of value of the vehicle declared by Shipper, payable in India Third Party insurance is compulsory for all vehicles Imported into India under Carnet
For third party Insurance, please request a quote � Insurance Premium depends on Type of Vehicle, Engine Size, Year of Mfg, Value etc. Generally all these details are on carnet.
Marine Insurance and Third Party Insurance are two different policies and issued separately.

Important Instructions : Once you confirm the Shipping Dates, you have to contact our agents and meet them at Dubai Office. They will collect all documentation from you and instruct you to proceed to Jebel Ali. Please do not proceed to Jebel Ali directly.

Please send us a clear scan of the following documents immediately:

1. First Page Of Carnet � Stating Name/Address, Date Of Issue, Valid Upto and Issuing Club
2. Counterfoil Page Of Carnet � Showing Importation and Exportation Counterfoils
3. Passport Scan ( Main Page with your Photo )
4. Visa Scan ( Iran Visa & India Visa if available )
5. Vehicle Registration Certificate

We strive to provide complete information to our Clients without any hidden costs whatsoever. For most common questions please visit our website FAQ section @ http://www.secoshipping.com


Sadikally Esoofally & Co. (Estd.1938)
International Freight Forwarders & Licensed Customs House Agents (11/195)

Address : 32, Dock View Bldg, 2nd Floor, No. 1 Walchand Hirachand Marg,
Next to Jahaz Bhavan, Above Chefs & Bakers, Ballard Estate, Mumbai - 400001
Tel : +91-22-22621107/22614677 Telefax : +91-22-22690281
Email : info@secoshipping.com / Website : www.secoshipping.com
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