Best time of year to travel in your area/country
Ok, after several unsuccessful HUBB searches I decided to post this question. I am currently in the very early planning stages of what has come to be known to myself and close friends as the "Fugawi World Tour".
The first stumbling block that has come along is knowing what is the best time of year or weather "window" to travel in any given country/area. Without this information, it is very difficult to plan where to lay up during winter or monsoon seasons.
So HUBBERS open up and share what you consider is the best riding weather in your locality. Maybe include any specifics that may relate to a particular highway for example Russia.
Maybe include what time of year is summer/winter etc etc
This thread is not narrowed to any specific country so open the flood gates and let it rip!
 Feb 2014, currently travelling the America's on a Tiger 800XC
Live every day like it's your last, one day you'll get it right!!!
Last edited by loxsmith; 12 Mar 2007 at 07:00.