best way to plan.
Hi, its nice to meet such a wonderful group. I am wondering what your opinions are on various trip planning methods. Is it to my advantage to use electronic maps vs paper? I am plannin an East - West RTW trip for summer 2008. Starting from Calgary to St. Johns London Isle of Man (TT) Zig Zag Europe as far north as Berlin and as far south as Rome - Moscow Trans Siberian Highway - ferry to Japan - San Fran. up th coast back home. I do not have a great many maps currently and I wish to nail down this trip a bit more solidly for budget purposes. Since I am planning on using a Garmin unit for the trip I thought it might be a good idea to use it to plan as well. How feasable is this? Best sources for maps? Opinions welcome. Aslo anything special i should see? The TT and a lap or two on the nurburgring are current hightlights. thanks
ride safe