Camping places in new mex' to cal' etc.
I am riding from Florida out west and hope to be leaving aroung the beginning of september. As I will be camping everywhere and am on the thinnest of shoestrings I wondered if anyone can suggest from experience any nice/decent campsites or camping areas(I DON'T care if there are little or NO facilities) either free or no more then 5 bucks a night.I dont have the money to shell out 10 dollars or more just to pitch a tent to sleep one night. I am hoping to spend time in the following states- New Mex,Ariz, Utah Nev,Utah,Cal, Oregon and Wash. I do have a book with all national forest sites in etc. but some suggestions from people who have stayed on any such places I descibed would be a great help. I am on an unlimited time frame. i.e.- however long I can last on 1000 dollars for everything, gas,camping, food etc!!!! Thanks. enjoy the road!
[This message has been edited by mart (edited 18 August 2001).]