Canada Trip
Hi Everyone
I am starting to plan a big trip that I will hopefully b doing in a couple of years.
Basically I want to ride a bike from Possibly Atlanta / Vancouver, right the way across Canada ending up in Nova Scotia.
Its a big trip so I am after any advice about how I should go about start planning this trip? What things do I need to plan ect ect that sort of thing.
Its a very big trip but its also a fantastic country ( backpacked there last year ) and something I feel would be great to achieve.
I am planning on using a mixture of camping and youth hostels, so what would you reccomend minimum camping equipment I should take? ( apart from a tent lol )
Like I say I am just getting started so would appreciate any advice from fellow biker travelers and how you get started when planning your first trip.
Peace ppl
\"rock on little biker dude\"