Choices, decisions, and my 30th Birthday
Hello people! i know i tend to be a bit absent, spending most of my time over on ExPo. I'll start my story with a bit of a back story.
I bought my first motorcycle in 2011. a brand new Zuki Vstrom 650 which i still own and don't see myself parting with any time soon. In March of 2012 i was supposed to spend 4 weeks down in Baja with a friend and his jeep. Supposed to was the key word to that story, I work for the Canadian Coast Guard 4 weeks on 4 weeks off, and had a trip off (12 weeks off) and had been looking forward to this trip for some time, the only issue is i am not a permanent employee. In the CG we do competitions internally to fill permanent jobs, and one just so happen to land right when i was supposed to do the trip and forced me to pull out last minute. This was a fairly crushing blow for me. Later that summer we bought a condo, and life took over. This spring there was no way i could do the trip. and this coming winter is out as well due to financial restraints.
I will be 28 this coming March, In my line of work the years pass by VERY quickly. My lovely wife recognized how much i wanted to do this trip and suggested that i plan a Big trip to do for my 30th in 2.5 years. While to some of you this seems like a long way down the road to me it's right around the corner.
Now here comes the fun part, i plan to take a full trip off (12 weeks off) and was contemplating going down to baja for 6 weeks of it or so. but now i am thinking with that much time, i could do a trip i have always dreamed of doing. Shipping my bike to Panama and taking my time riding north.
So starts the planning, first i really need to decide what i want to do during the time, if i would rather spend the time camping and fishing on the shores of the Sea of Cortez in a much slower, lazy pace, or kick it up a notch and cover the 10000km+ i would want to do to cover central america to my home in Victoria BC.