Hi Dave, when you go, and I would go after the antipodian hordes, many of who are more interested in the party than the solemn remembrance of the fallen, have departed the zone. As well as visiting ANZAC cove, don't forget the memorial at the south end of the peninsula to the almost 30,000 British and French soldiers who were killed there, again as a result of another Churchillian cock up. On the lighter side, across the Karnakalee? ferry is the Turkish fort museum and the little mine layer that made the transit of the Dardanelles by the big warships far to risky thereby causing the above mentioned cock up and lots of good roads to lots of great places. Ride safe.
p.s. Before anyone complains about "bloody poms", I spent most of my childhood in New Zealand and every year I was there attended the Dawn Service with the rest of my village which was a very solemn occasion not least because of the fact that we had several survivors of ANZAC cove with us.. Having said that, afterwards adults did seem to get very drunk and it was there that I learnt to play the, illegal for the other 364 days of the year, game of "two up".
Mike is riding the twisty road in the sky