Eastern Europe 2004!!!
Hi Y'all!
This is a total 'newbie' here to this website, came in via adventure motorcycling and glad I did!
I am planning a tour of Eastern Europe in the spring of 2004...yeah I know it is an age off, but there is a lot, as you all know, of planning to do..
Like get time off work, (!!!) find the right bike etc..
my ideal plan is to get to Germany, ride through Poland, Czech republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegroa, yugoslavia, Romania and back to germany Via..
any idea of the situation in Montenegro?? It's somewhere I have wanted to go for ages!
Idea of a bike..only 5'6", would like something that has electric start, but not too worried, how about an XR400??
I have no touring experience..tho biking experience is loads of green laning and a handful of enduros/hare and hounds..
I know I'll find loads of answers if I spend hours searching all this site ( which I'll do any way) but just hoped someone could set me going in the right direction!!
Finances will fall in place early part of next year ( after christmas, MOT (!) and snowboarding!)hope to get the 'right' bike so I can get some long distance riding in..
this bike must be usable for greenlaning, m'be a bash at a few Rallyes, tours etc..
Thankyou for listening to my 'newbie' rambling, I'll try not to make a habit of it, but I am sure you know what it's like when an Idea grips you..
heaven won't have me...and hell's too afraid I'll take over!!
heaven won\'t have me...and hell\'s too afraid I\'ll take over!!