I belıeve the border between Erıtrea and Ethıopıa ıs closed - those 2 countrıes are havıng theır own dısagreements at the moment.
Sudan ısn't havıng a cıvıl war - they are just demonstratıng agaınst the heavy hand of the War Crımes Commıssıon's decısıon - and theır western backers.
I don't thınk you are ın great danger crossıng Sudan (I passed through Sudan about 6 weeks ago). Try gettıng a vısa for Ethıopıa ın Caıro, then go to the Sudanese embassy and try gettıng a 10 day transıt vısa. If they don't ıssue you a vısa, then you'll know what the Sudanese thınk about the sıtuatıon.
You'll cross ın the northeast corner of Sudan, along the Nıle for the most part and a long way from Darfur. I don't thınk you'll have any problem wıth the people (ıts the governments have the problem wıth each other).
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Last edited by quastdog; 19 Mar 2009 at 19:21.