Europe - Bangkok
Hi everyone,
I'm currently looking into a road trip from The Netherlands to Bangkok. My initial thought was to go via Kazakhstan and Mongolia. Since China is difficult to go through, I figured I'd ship the bike from Vladivostok to Vietnam, and go via Laos to Bangkok from there.
However, I recently found out it's nearly impossible to go through Vietnam on your own (foreign) motorcycle. So now my question: what are the other options? From what I understand, the options are the following:
- Go through China and pay for a guide
- Go via Iran - Pakistan - India - Myanmar (however, I read that Myanmar can be unpredictable, plus I'd really like to go through Mongolia)
- Ship the bike from Vladivstok to Cambodia, skipping Vietnam all together
- Ending the trip in Vladivostok (or Ulaanbataar, but then I'd have to ship the bike by air)
- Go via Kyrzigstan, cross the Afghan Wakhan Corridor, into Pakistan, and continue through India and Myanmar (again, unpredictable in whether I'll actually be able to cross that border)
Am I missing any options? What would you argue is the best option?