Originally Posted by Numbercruncher
I hope to take an 8 week tour of Europe from about Mid-May through Mid-July. Given the length of the trip and desire to be spontaneous, I don't want to have to book two months of hotel rooms in advance.
I know this is a very broad question but is there any sort of consensus as to whether I can just ride around and look for a place to stay in the early afternoon and be able to find one 90% of the time? I can camp and look forward to doing so but really want to just cruise around in a connect the dots manner from Greecte to Italy to France to Spain and Portugal and ideally find an inexpensive hotel whenever I show up. There will be times on a weekend for example where I'll know about where I'll be and I'll make that reservation a few days ahead of time but other than that I want to just go where the road takes me.
As an example, I would tell someone visiting the US they can likely find a room without issue in April, May and early June. June will transition once kids are out of school but unless you are in a town where there is a major event going on you should still be able to find a room. Sure right now in Florida near any beach will be tough due to spring break but that is the type of example I am looking for in Europe. Vague I know but I need to start somewhere.
How did it go for you last summer?
I´m doing almost the same as you and would love to hear aabout your experiences.
Kind regards