read this page, it contains every possible option of international translations world wide, for any kind of fuel, even for stoves... very good an complete source.
International fuel names for backpacking stoves
contains a lot of corrections of international folks who keep it alive and to make sure that the more odd fuel names are written right. It may sounds like it would be for stows only, but vehicle fuel translations are well sorted too.
another very good translation link about vehicle related technical stuff in case you need to tell a local mechanic what bike part needs repair.
English-German-French-Italian-Spanish like:
Deutsch English Francais Italiano Español
Batterie battery,accumulator accumulateur batteria bateria
Lager bearing roulement cuscinetto cojinete
and so on.. in a well organised table...
The trouble is that he was talking in philosophy, but they were listening in gibberish.
Last edited by spooky; 24 Dec 2010 at 13:22.