Poland and Czech republics travel information requests
Hi guys,
two friend of mine and myself are planning to go next June from Milan (Italy) to Germany-Poland-Czech and Slovenska republics with the intent to avoid main roads and hopefully to find dirty roads tracks, good place to spend our nights in a tent etc.
We have two Transalps and one Africa Twin.
The available time is not so much just 7-8 days. However we plan to reach quickly Germany on highways and then start the real tour through secondary roads in Czech and Slovenska Rep and Poland.
Come to questions!
Do you have any suggestion on which tracks we can follow to enjoy not crawded secondary road (with possible dirty roads) sections?
Is it possible to enter in national parks (i.e. Krkonosé NP) with motorbikes and camp there?
Is it safe?
Any suggestion will be highly appreciated
Last edited by Fabio; 2 Dec 2008 at 09:43.
Reason: To give better explanation on what looking for