Going from UK to USA - Ship out or buy there?
Later this year I'm going to start my bike trip in North America. I want to go from Alaska to Panama. Originally I was thinking I could buy a bike in the US but it has been suggested that it might not be possible to then take it to central America and sell it. And could even be hard to ship it on from central America to South Africa. (I was thinking I could sell in Panama and buy again in South Africa)
Would it just be much more sensible to get my bike now in the UK and ship it out. More expensive but perhaps further down the line it's just a hell of a lot easier to have a bike and passport that match.
Any advice would be most welcome. I've given up my job, have planned my trip and am ready to go (in July). I'd love to buy my bike NOW in the UK and get all my gear sorted but it would be cheaper to get one in the US.