Hello again people.
Well, although I've written a couple of messages, I present myself as should be. My name is Luis, I'm from
Valencia, (Spain) and I have a Harley Davidson Heritage with which he traveled throughout much of Europe.
Can not reach your height, then my trips so far have been from Valencia to Denmark a few years ago and toured the United States is a Pontiac, which took me to make great friends in
Harpers Ferry (one of my stops).
Wanted to make a couple of queries and pass any suggestions.
I'm trying to plan my route via
Google Maps, (from Valencia to Indonesia), Use Google Maps, Google Maps only allows me to do a route between 2 places in Europe or America.
How do I can plan a route from Valencia (Spain) to any country in Asia?.
I've also tried with Google Earth, but just give me straight lines between points of destination that you add.
Thank you.
One suggestion:
I recently received an email from a fellow Lithuanian HUBB would happen in my city (Valencia), indicated he would like to talk to me for a coffee or even allowed to sleep one night in my house.
I was out of my city and when I read the e-mail several days had passed.
It would be good for someone when you want to spend a few days at home of some fellow HU, it not only announced one day in advance as she did.
For my part I have no problem in leaving a bed and have a

with co-HU passing through my town, but not a day before aviseis please. Doing it with more time.
Thanks and see if you can answer to Google Maps.
A greeting