Hello, I've been following this post with great interest, because I want to go the other way, and I need to get my bike from Magadan to Alaska. Or if not Alaska, somewhere like Vancouver.
My plan is to leave end of April 2018 from the UK and end up in Magadan and then continue from Alaska to New York soon after.
I saw the series of YouTube videos by Oisin Hughes where he ships his bike from Magadan to Vladivostok, then rides it 250km south to Zarubino where he took a ferry to Seoul in South Korea, and from there he flew the bike to Vancouver.
Have a look :
I would love to avoid all the drama that Oisin went through and have been looking for flights from Magadan to Alaska but no luck.
In any case, maybe your friend can do the reverse route that Oisin took? It sounds like you have found a similar solution already?
Best of luck and please do let me know what the final outcome is.