Help on next trip.
Me and two other's are looking at a trip in to Europe next year (2011). The idea of this is to see if any Hubber's can help us on are way round. It would be nice to meet up and put face's to name's. Our start date is 28 of May and the return date looks like it's going to be from 21 to 28 day's after we have left. It's going to be I hope just stay out until the money runs out. So it's going to be camping as much as possible. Or I hope a few people who are reading this offering us a bed and shower for the night.
So what I'm going to do is. Run through a route that we hope to follow. But like most thing's this may change as we go along. Start place is going to be an over night stay at this place just out side Dover Map 1 - Google Maps
Then getting The 7 am crossing to Calais. Map 2 - Google Maps To Dijon. At 352 mile's it's a starter distance to work out what is possible and what it just too much in mileage. I think 352 miles in a day is about right. Any more and it starts to take on a chore.
I have noticed that while making these map's. If I click out the toll road's. The save button to cross save to build up the main map, just disappears. So I have to leave on the toll road options. But I intend not to use them unless we must to make time. My sat nav will over come that problem. So don't come back to me telling me that the route is just all toll road's. Thank you.
To buy petrol in Europe. Pull up at station. Wait. Get out a 20 Euro note, then ask someone to fill up the bike. Give person money. Ride away. Simple.
Last edited by John933; 29 Nov 2010 at 21:19.
Reason: Checking link's