How old is Too old?
Well, I was planning to drive from UK down to Cape Town, visit the rest of the family, not like we don't fly down a couple of times a year.
Then after spending a few weeks in Cape Town, drive back to UK, thought about selling the 'cruiser in Cape Town, for a handsome profit, as we both have SA residency, and a house there, or simply ship it back to UK / Norway.
All was going well, I got the Land Cruiser, started making some nice savings, bought a load of books, bought the maps, even bought the water purification tablets !
Then it all went pear shaped.
I ended up getting a job which gave me a 3 x normal salary increase.
Thats good and bad.
Good because I have the trip money right away.
Bad, because I just don't want to take so much time away from work, while having the good fortune to earn 3 x normal salary. As in "Buy another house in just 1 year" kind of salary. (Not boasting, please no bad stuff, that don't help)
I am 50 this year, fit and health, I would like to put this trip off for a couple of years, and build the bank balance up some what.
How old are other 4x4 overland travellers.?
I would expect that it would be some what easier in a nice comfortable, air conditioned Land Cruiser, than a 2 wheel beast.
I (we) really want to do this trip, and I know I can never just give up on it.