Originally Posted by Nototure
Have decided to just head south. Cameroon, Congo, Democratic of Congo. After that I'm thinking it's no problem.
Depending on when your heading back to continue I will be heading down through West Africa leaving Morocco in July. This is not the best time to head south but I have to get my bike out of Morocco. Id be in Nigeria maybe August I want to beat the wet season for the DRC.
It has been parked up while I recover from a crash in the Sahara Desert in January.
But even I am going to have a tough time through some of these countries because of the time of year Ill be now heading down through them. Cameroon, Congo and especially the 2500km through DRC will be very tough on the big BMW especially if its wet.
Im not saying its not doable just its not going to be very easy.
Im a good rider, riding a fully setup KTM690R with long travel suspension that that I have built just for this West Africa trip. It is 175kg fully loaded with its 30Lt of fuel and my gear.
I have driven Overland Trucks through African red jungle mud and it was hard. I know Im in for a tough time.
I am looking for someone to do that part of Africa with for just that reason because 2 people working together through terrain like this will be easier.
I would still be keen to catch up for a  and Im always up for an Adventure and I know this trip will be!!