KKH in May/June?
Can anyone tell me the likelihood of getting through the KKH in May/June 2011. Are the spring melts likely to still be a factor? ie. will it be waterlogged? What time of year does it normally open?
I'm riding from Sydney to London with my husband on our motorbikes and we had planned to go via Pakistan to Iran but have been advised by a number of different sources that Baluchistan is seriously a no go zone at the moment and we would be taking our life into our hands by journeying through there. We have therefore started to look at heading up through Pakistan into China via the KKH.
Once we have worked out if its possible or not, we will be looking for travelling buddies to share the costs through China, so if anyone is interested, or knows of anyone interested in doing the route through China into Kyrgystan, let us know!!