Hi folks,
I am 26 and currently at a bit of a cross road in my life right now basically I am currently in a situation where I have no mortgage no partner no kids no loans etc. and a few quid in the bank.
I have two options in my life at the moment, I have a rough ball in motion for setting up my own motorcycle workshop within my small ish town (there are 2 others) or pack up what little stuff I have and head off round the world on the money I have in the bank
I have been advised by various people (mainly non bikers with house kids etc) to set up my business and get that running and then in a few years once I can employ people go travelling by this time Id prob be mid 30s and have more commitments too. On the other hand I been encouraged to go traveling by all the people I have spoken to who have done it them self's (wouldnt say advised as things and ways these people have spoken about what i should do is very different)

I am after people on here's opinions and thoughts on my situation and also advice from thoses who have done it as to if Id be able to start prep now and leave in about 3/4 months?
I have ball rolling slowly for the business but its barley moved and its that time of year. I also have rough plans regards rtw, England, France, turkey, stans, india, thia, aus (working hol visa for year) , pan America ish (work hol canada) then see how i feel fly or ride mongolia/russia back prob on either a c90 type (cheap!)

or XT600e type (size, power, "off roader")
I have wanted to do this sort of trip since I was about 14 and think its a case of my head (what you "should" do)

vs my heart (what I want to do).
I very much appreciate your time and help folks.
Cheers Ben