Maps and Mapping software for Silk Route?
Hi all,
Please forgive me, I'm a newbie here, could do with some help. I'm hoping to do the Silk Route with my boyfriend in April/May/June. He's doing the car (Landcruiser 80 series) and visas, I have to do the route planning and navigation, but I'm a bit stuck.
We plan to go through Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, (Caspian), Turknenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China maybe Mongolia on the way out and return north of the Black Sea via Russia and Ukraine.
Anyone know what digital maps/mapping software is the best for this area? We have used Fugawi in the past, but they have no maps of this area. I don't really want to scan loads of paper maps unless I have to, so does anyone know of anything readily available in digital form?
Can anyone help please? Also, anyone done it? Any tips? Unmissable places or great routes?