25 Jan 2009
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Cartagena
Posts: 66
Originally Posted by trevor daly
 I had traveled through Nueve Laredo a few years back,nice route but i had heard a few months back they were having a problem with local drug cartels robbing and kidnapping tourists coming over the border.Don't know if that had calmed down by now but you should check it out before crossing there.
Good luck
Hello Trever:
I would like to hear about how your trip went. I am sure it was great!! You are correct; Mexico is not what it was years ago. Crime, Kidnapping, Drug Wars and more. I am going to keep a close eye on where I am and where I am headed. I plan on moving quickly south to Central America.
I have been living in Colombia for almost 5 years and visiting for almost 10. I was in Colombia when Glen Heggstad was taken by the FARC. Very bad. It looks like Mexico is going the way of Colombia 20 years ago. It devastated the country and has been very difficult to recover. Lets hope they change to another path soon.